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Microfiber wash pad pole attachment recommendation



Does anyone have any recommendations for a microfiber wash pad pole attachment? Preferably something with refills. 

I couldn't find a microfiber pole attachment in the website. Only the brush style, and I need something to reach the top of the truck. Don't want to pull a ladder every time I wash my cars either. 

The ones at my local stores are too flimsy and cheap. 

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2 hours ago, Chonke said:

microfiber wash pad pole attachment

For the high places where I want to use something soft, I use the Adam's Red Car Wash Wedge on a Window Washers Pole.  You need to find one of the poles that has the clamp on the end, like the one pictured.  There are many different designs and if you do a search for Window Washers Pole or Window Cleaning Pole, and go through the images, you should be able find a style that will work for you.

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