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Wow, I just noticed that I placed 5 orders in the month of July!!!! Can't you tell I'm a Adam-holic!!!!!:banana: How much has everyone else placed in a month? Just curious. Can't say enough great things about Adams products, the list gets way to long!!!!!!!!!!

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18 answers to this question

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First, you try some hand stuff. Then you get a PC, and use it. Then you find out what products you go through a lot and get gallons. Then you start getting extra clay, another VRT, and extra BSG, window cleaner...


I wasn't sure how many times I had bought stuff, then I looked at my stash of empty Adams bottles...


Luckily, now I am pretty well stocked up, except for In & Out Spray. (the next order ;) ) Unfortunately my local dealer is not carrying that yet.

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I certainly haven't placed that many orders in a month, but I own just about every product on the site (accrued over a several month period).


I think the only thing I don't own is the metal polish. lol

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I've had two orders and about ready for a third. These products are outstanding!! Since I placed my first order, my buddy placed one too. A buddy of his placed an order also. There's no question this stuff is addicting!

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