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Windows explorer question


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When I was out doing my wheels this evening, I came in to see bluescreen etc etc. Wound up having to re-install.


There was a function in Internet Explorer that I really found useful and now I can't figure out how to re-enable it.


If I did a drop down on the address bar, it would break into three sections. Urls I typed in, favourites and history. Anyone know how to enable this one?

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Comedians!! LOL


Turns out I am an idiot. Or I was just tired. Gonna go with tired. ;)


My rebuild disks had IE7. It is IE8 with the features I was looking for........


Installing a massive update as we speak.

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I understand the "comfy" part. You have to get use to change. The one thing that sold me on Firefox is the ability to block all popups and advertising on any site, especially forums. On any forum that I visit, no popups or advertising is displayed. That means faster browsing. :thumbsup:

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