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Customer Service 866.965.0400

New/Much Older Ex-Professional Detailer


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Hello-:hi: I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I've been thinking about getting back into the detailing business after 30 years. I was the person who started "Squeaky Clean" in Virginia many years ago. Wow how time has flown.


Well, after my retirement from my government job a few years ago, I am finding that golf and fishing is not enough to keep me happy. I was thinking about getting back into detailing on a part-time basis, just to keep busy. I have always looked upon detailing as a form of art. After many hours -- stand back and look at what you have created!! Very rewarding.


After looking around the internet to find which products I wanted to use (this time around), I found this site.


Wow-pretty impressive!


Things have surely changed since I was involved full-time in the business. I will also say that they seem to have changed for the better.


Sorry for the long into, just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I am still making a list of items to purchase in the near future. Also getting my garage in order for my new detail shop (which is pretty exciting).


BTW- nice videos (both Adams and Junkman).


Look forward to exchanging ideas with all of you in the future.:cheers:

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  • 7 months later...

Definitely an art form and NOT a science. There's several ways to skin this cat.


Adams has been the best for me. Plus, you couldn't ask for a better/more involved owner.




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