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Mini Detail ends in trip to Hospital


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The plan today was wash the truck, buff out a few scratches and decided to throw on some BSG. Well I stepped up on my truck bed by using the back bumper. So naturally I climb down the same way. WELLLLLL apparently the edge of my bumper is extremely sharp. I cut my toe, I didnt even notice I was bleeding until my toe foot started sticking to my sandal.


I went and cleaned it up and threw a band aid on it. 10 minutes later my foot was sticky again and the band aid was completely full of blood. I put another band aid on.... 20 minutes later foot was sticky again. So I stepped it up and put some med tape and gauze on it. Well 2 hours into washing my truck now it bleed threw again. So I had to go to the hospital and they put that liquid stitch crap



Which brings me to the pictures....


I thought it was kind of awesome how the blood ran.


Adam's new slogan should be "Adam's, it's in our blood" literally :lolsmack:





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