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New guy from Pa.


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Just wanted to say hello to the Adams community. Have used other high end detail products, have wanted to try Adams prods. for a while now.


Any suggestions for my first order? Thanks.:cheers:

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I guess what you order would depend on the condition of your car.



I like this kit if your into hand polishing. Its the Premium Hand Polish and Wax kit but I also just love the Interior Products.






Alright, I admit it. I can not just recommend just one kit because they all work so good. Get the Interior Kit too. 1sm088doubleup.gif

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Welcome to the group! I started out with this DETAIL kit and this INTERIOR kit. I have since ordered AMERICANA and IN and OUT Spray.


May I recommend you get the GALLON Detail Spray? I assure you it will be your best friend and before you know it...you're out! :(

or ya can order the 5 gallon jug of detail spray like i did(was an accident-:lolsmack:)


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You're not too far away! Thompson Racing is the Phila. Dealer for Adam's and we carry the full line in stock. If you need anything or want to try out any product, email me @ eric@thompsonracing.us.


Our shop is in Doylestown and we are there nights and weekends (contact me before stopping by). I live in Horsham and the Art Museum area so can meet up after work if you need.




Eric Thompson

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