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I heart ADAMS!



this saturday i did my brother's victory red HHR. just a wash, lots of VRT, etc... he was in love. i didnt snap pics, but yet ANOTHER person converted and WOW'ed by Adams products. i felt like a salesperson doing a hands-on demo!



i DID do my camaro... and it was only an Adams wash, VRT / In and Out Spray touch ups (im addicted to this stuff), multipurpose on the wheels, .. the basics. Next up is the full-on polishing / wax adventure...


Enjoy, for now!!!!!!!!!!! pic was snapped saturday night and created this AM>

I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:

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Your car's twin went cruising by going the other way this morning.



I seriously need to win a lottery..........My wish list is up to about a dozen cars now......LOL



OH yer tellin' me... trust me, i know the feeling.

for QUITE some time now, too.


i'm SCARED to finally see a CTS-V coupe on the road. i've seen one up close and very personal at a Caddy tent event near home, and ........... cripes. unreal.


and my G8 illness only intensifies as time marches on. ESPECIALLY in the ADAMS forum!!!! SO MANY HOT G8s!!!!!!!!!!!


youre not alone, bud!!!!!


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the pics are virtually 100% "real",

if i must give up some secrets - well, i'll be vague –

that treeline is a composite but the rest is "there".

the better camera from the start surely helps,

but im NO photo professional, just a car nut / graphic designer dude.

a lot of layering, layer blending modes and even custom brushes make these photos turn into something "new". its pretty amazing. i need to take more this weekend... the ones posted are ok, but i was hoping for less grey/cloudy conditions.... crossing my fingers for dusk on Saturday!

THANKS GUYS, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fun!

oh, the Adam's shine also helps. less photoshopping!



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How much of the picture is actually the picture??? Was a lot of it photoshop (the background) or did you use lenses? I really love that picture! My camera is 15 mp's and it doesn't do that well...I think it's b/c a friend of mine dropped it in the snow but I dunno. LOL I really like the work you put out! :)

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Very nice camaro, pictures and photoshop! :)

What camera do you have? Right now I have the Canon G10 but I want the DSLR Xsi. YUM





the camera is literally an older piece from my job.. we since got a new one for our photo studio, and i grabbed the old one for my desk and reference pics / fun. its a NIKON Coolpix 8800VR - 8.0 mega pixels and optical zoom. its nice, but a little long in the tooth by the up-to-the-minute standards, ... or compared to an actual photographer's tools. hahha. BUT ITS FUN! ;)

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Sweet Photoshoppin there! Sinister...seems fitting.


yeah. haha, and thanks! like i said, i cant wait to do the full on polishes and such, get a better pic day, and really put some muscle into it. the Adams stuff really makes it easy to get amazing looks even after ONE simple wash!



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Agreed..I've owned two black bonnevilles and now a brilliant black charger. I guess it's true about that whole once you go black you never go back saying. They're oooooh so pretty when they're clean.:glasses:


MMMMM.... BLACK charger...

nice. yeah, this is my 3rd black car. When it came to the camaro,

it had to be black. just... sinister.



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its worth the extra "work" ...



Agreed..I've owned two black bonnevilles and now a brilliant black charger. I guess it's true about that whole once you go black you never go back saying. They're oooooh so pretty when they're clean.:glasses:

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I never even noticed the light standards. Some photoshop would take care of that me thinks.


Think I would leave the power lines in the back though.......


hahaha, oh yeah... i coulda taken all that crap out, or picked a better spot to snap the pic! hahaha. and, it got naturally cloudy – i was hoping more for that "magic hour" of orangey red sun right between 7.45 and 8ish. oh well. its fun to do, regardless! :)

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Fantastic pic!


The bowtie folks ought to be calling you to buy it for their brochures.



wouldnt that be fun!

im gonna do some more soon. its time consuming...

but the coolest thing, its not too hard to get 'em so wild!


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