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SVRT on vinyl top?



So I know everyone uses the SVRT on plastics, exterior rubber seals/trim, and tires, but I just wanted to make sure it was ok to put on my 89 Broughams vinyl top since I haven't heard of anyone using it on a top like mine the only vinyl I've seen yall use it on is decals. I tried the m brand "professional" vinyl and rubber cleaner/conditioner and was most definitely disappointed. [this was before I had heard of adams of course] It looked only slightly better and only for a day. The top is not faded or in poor condition but I know it could look better. plus I dont think its really possible to have a good cleaner and conditioner in one product that really works well, much better to have two separate products like adams interior cleaner and leather conditioner so they can do two separate jobs really well, but m brand hasn't figured that out yet.

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17 answers to this question

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The V in VRT stands for VINYL... you're fine to use it on that top.


As for the glaze, does it have a sprayer on it or a pour top? Also is there a "new formula" sticker anywhere on it? There was a brief transition period where we burned out the last few spray glaze labels and its possible you got that.

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Super VRT works great on vinyl but you have to make sure nothing else is on there. Clean the surface well before applying it. Even old formula VRT will cause it to run. I prefer to use All Purpose Cleaner cut 50% with water to clean before applying the SVRT. Looks good on that top!!

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yep it really looks good man, and it's lasting too looks the same today as it did yesterday and it was in the sun from 4-dusk. now I gotta put some on the dash and other plastic/rubber pieces. vrt or leather conditioner on the dash? I thought I had read that some people put the leather conditioner on the dash?

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finally here in ft worth it shouldnt rain for a week, the past two weeks its been raining every few days so my girl will get her first adams wash, SVRT on the top, and metal polish/BSG. I will be posting before and afters when I'm finished. recently bought the BSG but not sure if it is the new kind, how do you tell? pic of the new just says brilliant glaze mine says brilliant spray glaze, I must have got it right before the new was released:(

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It'll be the bomb on the top... Remember to put it on thin, let it sit for about 30 minutes and then buff off any thicker areas. It may not be such an issue on a garage queen but on a DD if you get too much on it WILL run in the rain.



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I've been curious about this very same thing as well! Dad's favorite thing from his hot rodding days could use a bit of Adam's Polishes love!






This was before he pulled it from storage, but it now sits where the black Ram is!




My little brother in his Integra!^^



Can you tell that we love our cars?! :jester::jester:


Sorry 'bout the thread jack! :(

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i havent used it on a vinyl top yet because i just got my order in but i have used to this stuff calld pb2 by a brand named malco that cleaned the vinyl white top on a 1970 T bird really well its made to clean furniture but i had run out of all options on cleaning it and just thought i would try it and it worked really well and now i just have to finish with the VRT im positive that the VRT will work just fine

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