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Cleaning and detailing a boat



A friend of mine asked me to come clean and detail his boat. We talked for a little about what needs to get done and he mentioned that I just need to remove the salt contaminants, bring back life and protect the haul, clean the upholstery and the protect it. 95%  of what I have is Adam's products so looking at my line up, here is what I was thinking for process ... Any comments are welcome. 


1. Strip Wash - To remove any contaminants

2. Iron Remover? - Not sure if this would be needed or if it would help with salt and other marine contaminants

3. One Step Polish the haul 

4. LPS the haul

5. Cleaner and Protectant for the seats


Any help is welcome ... I know I may need to get some marine grade products I just want to see if I can get most if done with my Adam's stuff so I don't have to go out and buy a crap load of other products. 

Edited by MikeSoFlo
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