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Posts posted by Cbrrmike

  1. LFairbanks, you are correct.  I stand corrected.    I found that same site after I made my post and after it was too late to edit it  My bad.


    So as a consumer the law doesn't protect me, but if I use the same products in a work environment, Adam's is required by law to provide them.


    That said, I would think a company like this would welcome working with me in being protective of my family's health and safety?  Seems like providing MSDS sheets when requested is such a small thing they could do to help the interested customers?



    Again, I don't begrudge anyone the right to expose them self to chemicals or to take any risks they wish.  Please do not disparage my choices and desire to understand and know.

    If you used the products in a work environment your employer is required to have them available. Not the source company. And their are different rules if the product is in its original labeled container than if it is in a unlabeled refillable container...

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