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Posts posted by Babyfer

  1. as long as you don't make any faces on the tire sponge ;)

    what?? why not??? it was soo cute :cheers: and he had such a look of dissapointment.. lol hey i'm blonde, i like to have fun :glasses:


    and actually it was one of the big pads, that i made my smiley on, lol you were there, were you not paying attention??? :lol:

  2. Knowing Jason personally.. i think he will be back online after a while.. he might just need to step back for a bit, i'm sure it was a hard decision to make, and i'm sure he will miss all of you guys..


    so I welcome Steve.. Oh. and just to let you know, now you owe me VRT or something fun, cuz Jason owed me :thumbsup::lolsmack:;)

  3. Just don't mention that you polish it, they will probably try to blame you :jester:

    well luckily.. I have never done anything but wash the thing,so it's really not my fault.. maybe the prev owners, but not mine ;)


    It's Jeff's.. that's why it's always a mess, he sometimes takes it to work instead of his work truck, and he really doesn't care about having a clean car.. I do, and that's why it gets washed sometimes.. lol


    even the lady at Mitsu said "this isn't like your car" i said what do you mean.. pointed to the dirty inside and said you mean cause of that.. lol she said, yea, nothing like your car.. .i was all :D :D :D


    Since i have JJ all the time.. it's hard to wash both cars, so i just pick mine to wash, lol i'd have him help, but he's 3 and more into throwing rocks, and he already hit the truck with one.. :help: flew right over my spoiler.. i was like aahhhhhh nnnooooooo,:willy: lol

  4. so today i washed the Endeavor.. and yes, i have been a bad girl.. i have not washed it in months.. been to busy keeping my lancer clean, lol.

    so i noticed on the hood, and above the windsheild that whitish color is appearaing, is that the clear coat comign off??.. what can i do to help it, or more like stop it from spreading.. can i clay it and wax over it.. or will that make is worse??


    please help......:willy: and thanks in advance :thumbsup:

  5. How are ya Jennifer? Sounds goofy but I am a cat person......:)

    I'm good, been super busy, today the boss is gone, and i am gonna slack all day :D i just have a few things to do, lol.. just to say i did something :lolsmack:



    I'm sorry that you have stress at work right now Teresa.. that sucks.. keep ur head up, you'll get to Vegas soon enough :glasses:


    and.... it's almost Friday :2thumbs:

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