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Posts posted by lowandfast

  1. hello all,


    I have a question, if I have a 16 oz bottle of Rinseless and I want to make a spray and wipe (waterless wash) mixture, how should I dilute ?


    should it be 16 : 1,  or 15 : 1


    basicaly, if I mix up a gallon of product, whould I take 1 gallon of distilled water and ADD 8 ounces to it ?? Or should I put 8 ounces in a 1 gallon container, then fill the rest of the bottle up to the 1 gallon mark ? 


    If its a true 16:1 ratio, that means it will be 1 gallon (128 oz) plus 8oz of product, giving a total of 136 ounces.


    what is the Adams exact instruction on this ?



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