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Posts posted by Ellisjohnp

  1. I've seen all kinds of chemicals on paint, from brake fluid to household cleaners and am pretty familiar with what types of reactions they cause.  That is definitely something that dripped or splashed on the paint and sat there for sometime to cause that.  For something to create that much damage on cured paint, it would have to be a very serious substance.


    First, based on those pics, I'm afraid you're looking at repainting the damaged panels.  Second, I would echo what others have already stated that G&G or Detail Spray wouldn't cause something like that and if it did, again, as other have suggested, the damage would be more widespread.  


    It's pretty hot here in Northern Virginia today.  I think I'll go out and drip some G&G on the hood of my black Audi.  Yes, I'm silly enough to do this......


    I hope you find out what caused it and in the meantime, I'm sure the folks at HQ are just as curious as I am to help you figure it out.  



     Thanks for the insight. 


    The last time I washed the vehicle I gave it a full detail. Wash/Clay/Polish/Wax. There has not been any work done to the car since April of the year which was just an oil change. Unless it was bird droppings that were on the car and washed off during a rainstorm???? I am out of ideas of what it could be.


    We moved and I used this car to move files and other trinkets but no chemicals. But am I right in thinking if there was any of that it would have been washed off when I washed the car then clayed it?


    I know for a fact nothing happened to the paint though until it was hit in those spots with the G&G. It makes perfect sense that if it was primarily G&G everywhere I sprayed would have the issue. However there was some type of reaction with something once the G&G was sprayed and a host of other variables which is what I wish I could figure out. Because my Audi in my garage wants nothing to do with that type of reaction.


    I attempted to polish the fender but had no success other than turning it back to black for the most part. See attached images.






  2. Sorry you are experiencing problems with your clear, but I have to agree with the others in saying that there is nothing in those products that could cause your damage. We all would definitely like to help you get this figured out though.

    I would totally agree minus the fact that it was only after G&G that the incident happened. The thing is there were different variables that could have caused it ie. high heat temps/detail spray/random chemical-calcium coming out of hose/windshield washing fluid dried on the area that may have been missed during washing/clay or even the previous wax i used last time the car was washed a month ago P21S Concours.


    I really don't know what it could have been but it's clear nobody here has had this type of issue before which is good except in my case. From the images I sent over yesterday this is definitely going to have to be repainted or is there some type of clear coat touchup?

  3. If it's on your roof or door panels or trunk, it could possibly be the washer fluid. Considering the heat of the day though, it could have dried quickly on the hot paint and caused that, or it could have evaporated too quickly to harm the paint.  But when you explain where the spots are, it's doubtful. It's nearly impossible to say.  No chance you got battery acid or antifreeze on it?  Kids?  Something splash on it in the garage maybe?  I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just that Adam's is so darn gentle on paint with all their products that it's just hard to imagine any of the line being able to do that.  

    I'm going to agree with Phokus here, and suggest you give Adam or any of his crew a call. They will definitely want the unused product back for testing.  And you can trust that they'll be up front with you.


    No it's our daily kid mobile sees no garage time. I have kids but the baby was the only one around and he was playing with the wash bucket. Now that I think even more the hose I use makes the water cloudy for the first 5-10 minutes of use. However I let it run until it is clear. Will definitely be placing a call later today. I almost want to try and replicate the results since it is likely I will be having to get the two panels repainted.


    Thank you to the people who actually gave suggestions.

  4. Could be any number of things. G&G or Detail Spray would not have caused this. But I wonder what else was on the paint prior to the wash. This is clearly some form of chemical damage. That much is certain. But what chemical? My vote is some sort of hydraulic fluid (brake, transmission, etc).

    No brake work has been done. The only other theory I might have is windshield washer fluid. I sprayed some way earlier in the morning to clean off the windshield. But that should have come off during the wash / clay? Maybe I missed those spots and a reaction happened with that? The first location is up in the middle of the hood which is a tough reach. The other is the drivers side fender.

  5. Such BS and you should be ashamed of yourself coming on here trying to blame DS and GG for that crap.


    Thank you for such insightful help. I wouldn't be on here if it hadn't happened. I'm asking for solutions not poor attempts at criticsm hence my original post asking is there an issue with G&G at high temps. And will the paint need to be redone because the gum up is the clear coat with G&G.


    Just yesterday I washed my wife's car when it was cloudy. Sun came out just before applying G&G. Sun was intense and I felt the surface getting quite hot. I worked fast and G&G had no ill effects on the paint. You said it's not helping but gotta say it anyway: The Detail Spray and G&G did not cause your issues. They may have EXPOSED the issues but did not CAUSE the issues.


    Good luck!


    Possibly? I gave the vehicle a wash, clay, Polish and wax with all Adams products except the wax that was used was p21s concours carnauba. But I washed and Clayed the car before G&G.


    5 total posts on the forums and all of them complaining.........seems legit.


    You are just a bundle of help aren't you. Troll on friend I'm looking for answers to actual questions.
  6. Did you buy the car used?  There is absolutely no way that anything Adams caused that.  I have been using his products on all of my vehicles for around 13 years and have never had an issue with any of it.  


    That "gum" as you describe it almost looks like some sort of cheap fix that come back to haunt.  


    Spray both the detail spray and GG on your hands and tell me if you get a reaction.  Because if you don't feel anything on your hands it definitely isn't going to eat thru your paint.  Let alone a hole in a body panel.  I already know the answer to my question as I don't use gloves for any of it.


    No the car was not purchased used.


    There was no issues with the paint before the wash.


    I have also been purchasing Adams products since 2007 and never had a problem but how long I have been using their products is irrelevant. The fact is I received my new purchase of products which my mystery box came with guard and gloss. I proceeded to do the daily wash from the Adams video from memory but instead of just using the detail spray with clay without drying I sprayed it on after I gave the car a rinse after clays get it. I sprayed the G&G on the hood and noticed it once I got to that area. I then sprayed the drivers side side panel and immediately noticed it do it again there.


    So telling me there is no way an Adams product could do this is pointless because I watched it do this. I love their products and this is the first time I have had any issues with their products. So your response is not helping me or anyone out there thinking to buy this product.


    Like I stated in the original post: is this there an issue using this in hot temperatures and do I need to have these panels repainted?

  7. Almost looks like bird droppings that eat through as etching. Is that primer showing or maybe etching in the clear coat? I would try clay bar then Revive polish first and if it starts to come up then maybe use a PC or Flex with paint correcting polish and see what that does.

    Not bird poo. Clay bar didn't work. The clear coat for some reason was eaten up. The first picture above was after trying to wipe the gum look off leaving a pot hole in the clear coat. The second was a let me see what happened attempt which happened again after spraying the G&G on it. Leaving the gummed up look there. See different angles of the above images below after trying to clay it.



  8. Washed my family car using the Adams Shampoo after rinsing it off sprayed the car with detail spray and began using h2o on the hood. Due note it was a solid 98 degrees out with high humidity. After spraying I quickly wiped the hood off and noticed a weird looking spot that looked like gum. However there was nothing of the sort there while I was washing. I tried a side panel and got the same result in another small spot. Now I have two questions 1. Is this product prone to burning through clear coat if used in the heat? Also, will the only way to fix this be by reprinting? See the images below.



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