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Posts posted by teamroper60

  1. I want MORE of the WW towels that it came with... GIVE US MORE! I want a bigger one too!


    My truck is UBER large so either sell more or a bigger one!






    X2!! We need to be able to buy more of those towels... I bought the gallon/16oz/WW combo. I tried it out the day I got it. The stuff works very well, even on bug guts but there is no way I am gonna be able to use just one of those towels to do my whole crew cab dually.....

  2. I disagree with the comments about the Adams GC and Stoner's being on the same plane.. I have both and have used both.. The Adams GC is much easier to use and IMHO leaves the glass clearer...


    I do have to say though, I am kinda disappointed in the yellow MF towels Adams is selling for glass... This seems to be one of those rare cases where the Adams product is not an improvement over the competitors.... Prior to my GC order, which included a couple of the yellow MF towels, I had always used the cheap, light blue window MF towels from Wally World.. I still have those towels and have found that the two seem to be virtually the same in texture and feel (unlike the obvious differences between the other Adams MF towels and the competition). Not only that, the Wally World glass MF's are less than half the price and have worked just as well on the glass (with the Adams GC, of course!)...


    Just my $.02.. Your mileage may vary.....

  3. What is the best way to remove a thin layer of dust off of a freshly waxed vehicle? After spending all that time buffing out all the fine scratches I don't want to do scratch it all over again... But I also don't want to have to wash the dang thing just becuase of a small layer of dust.


    Any help would be great!:cheers:


    On a thin layer of dust, my California Duster is all I usually need... I save the detail spray for moderate amounts of dust... But I guess that is partly dependent on your definition of thin and moderate....:patriot:

  4. I kept some of mine.. I use the old microfibers for cleaning the engine compartment, exhaust tip, etc.... Basically places I would not want to use the good Adams MFs.... I use some of the waxes on my camper. Even though the camper is new, it is 39' long and I am too cheap to use that much of the good stuff on it...........


    The rest of the waxes and things I gave to my daughters... At the rate they wash their cars, they may never have to buy wax in their lifetimes (certainly not while they are single, anyway! LOL)............

  5. My wife gave me a PC and the 1st gen machine essentials kit for Christmas!! I am psyched!! Now I just need a nice day (yeah, right! This is winter and I am in Missouri! LOL)...........


    Just had to share my good fortune!!


    Merry Christmas to all the members here!! May you get stuff you really want too!!

  6. I like that idea :cheers:


    The Big 3 and the govt. have to look at why there in trouble. Nissan' date=' Toyota and Honda seem to be doing just fine.


    Why is that?


    Those companies are not saddled with the same UAW contracts (and if memory serves me, some are not even saddled with UAW workers at all). On top of that, they haven't been here long enough to have a bunch of retirees to support.


    Those two things right there are big reasons why the Big 3 (do they really still deserve that moniker?) are in trouble.


    Frankly, IMHO, the unions need to go. In the distant past, they were necessary due to the untenable working conditions some factories put their workers under. Thanks to Federal regulations such as the Fair Labor Standards Act and OSHA, those things are now gone and with them, the real need for unions. When you think about it, the unions have gotten some ridiculous things out of GM, Ford and Chrysler.. As an example, no where else can you draw 90% of your salary while you are laid off.

  7. Being fortunate enough to call Kevin a good friend, I can tell you all, his truck is absolutely the nicest one I have ever seen! Every time I get a chance to ogle it, I become envious...


    BTW, since he probably won't tell ya this, he has won several trophies with it at the last few Powerfest Rallies show-n-shine competitions and easily deserved every one of them....

  8. My question is, why would it need waxed that often?? If it isn't driven much and virtually never needs washing, I would think the wax should hold up for longer than a month and a half....


    I am new to using Adam's stuff but with the old stuff, I only needed to wax about twice a year. Detail spray keeps it looking good the rest of the time.

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