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Posts posted by Ericc

  1. I'm still debating , if I should have vehicle done by a pro or just do it myself. It is a black dodge Challenger on the way.  I want to buy both of adams SW the 15 and mini lol. But, the cost is quite high. Maybe start with just a 1 single one for now and see If i like it ?


    Tricky part is  want to have ppf done by a pro, so the process is also kinda weird if I do it myself. I would have to Decontaminate,clay, paint correct then Paint Prep, then take it to a PPf installer. Then come back then do a wash and paint prep again and check for defects again.


    If the Ceramic coatings (which ever companies) are too hard or difficult, then I might just go with a sealant then wax on top. So if I mess it up, I guess easier to fix ?



    Btw, tons of info in this forum which makes it nice :) I want to purchase any product that is made easy to the end user, and I prefer to stick to a brand during a process. So all the chemicals jive together I suppose for ease of mind. Hence why I came into to forum.

  2. hi everyone

    Got a few questions



    Car is ordered, and looking to get some stuff. Been looking at getting some new polish material. Which includes, polisher and pads, compounds etc


    1. Should i get the 21 or 15 or 12mini ?

    2. Need to get a clay as well. But, the adams clay does not state if it is Ultra fine/fine/Med/heavy. Also, its small the ounce size. This even enough to clay the whole vehicle?

    3. Then  the pads, which is better? Car is new, so really hoping not to use any compound and rather just polish with White pad/White polish? how effective/Coarse is the Orange pad? and how much do these compounds dust and does it leave any hazing or streaks? Tips or ideas to avoid this would be nice.

    4. I plan to Coat it with ceramic pro. I live in a Cold climate so not sure if Adams Ceramic Coats will suffiice. Might have to use CP CK edition . Now, how will adams, polish and say the detail spray effect a different brands of ceramic coats to adhere to vehicle?


    Thanks lots of questions.

  3. Hey all,


    Got a new vehicle on the way Charger Hellcat. , And Ive decided to upgrade my game. So, only to adams products.


    1. Need towels Drying,interiors,exteriors,windows how many?

    2, Washes for car,wheels,seats (miro suede and steering wheel) Windows,

    3. NEed a Matte cleaner and towels for it. Got wrapped hood.



    Also, perhaps lets get into he possibility of even paint correction.

    Claybar, polishers,pads,pad cleaners, towel cleaners


    then, as well as coatings, waxes, sealant, or polymer coats. CAn i put these on myself??


    Give me links and best buys here. Bundles are better and Gallons.

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