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Posts posted by MRF0730

  1. 24 minutes ago, FrozenWS6 said:

    Is it a new pad?

    Sounds like there may be too much product or not working it long enough to break it down. Since it sounds like it’s not too high of an air temperature.

    I have a 2x2 or a 3x3 area and I’ll make at least 4 passes (depending on the severity of scratches or wash marks) over that area in a left to right then up and down pattern. Then if there is any product left in that area it can be wiped off easily. Then move on to the next quadrant.


    I don’t use very much product at all. Sometimes not even adding more just a squirt of detail spray. For a section say the size of trunk lid (2x4ft) I made several passes probable 3 each way and still a PITA to remove. The pad has been used for two whole vehicles. When I do reload the pad I put two dime size blobs on it. 

  2. Hi, every time I use the Orange correcting polish (micro fiber pad or orange pad) I have the worst time getting it off the car! Like to the point where I’m using half a bottle of detail spray to get it wiped off. 

    What am I doing wrong? 

    I don’t use a lot of product. I am stingy with it. Also I am in a garage, car is cool. I am doing one panel at a time. 

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