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Posts posted by TnWHTMARE

  1. Thanks to everyone for your responses and advice!!  I had a busy weekend and haven't been able to get back to it but I did look at the spot yesterday, briefly, and the discoloration is gone but it you look close, you can see an outline of something?  I assume it comes from "stuff" in the poo.  I hope its just on the sealant.   I'm gonna try the revive and is that doesn't fix it, I will strip and polish.  Thank everyone again very much!!

  2. Hey guys/gals, I have a white 2018 Mustang.  It has been clayed and sealed and has coat of buttery on top.  My question is, yesterday I received a bird bomb on the front bumper.  When I got home last night, I soaked it in some WW and a removed the poo.  After doing that, I noticed that it left a yellowish/orangish stain on the surface with some texture.  I grabbed a claybar and it didn't do much for it.   Is it possible that the buttery/sealant have absorbed the acids?? and discolored their layers?  I'm just not sure I understand why I can feel texture to it.  All the surface contaminants have been removed.  Any help is appreciated.

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