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Posts posted by BADRIDES

  1. I can't watch her. I dont' know why if I were one of those kids I would ever care what she said. She's a commedian,not a singer. What does she know about what's good and what's bad or what someone should do to improve. And besides that, she's ugly. :lolsmack:
    And the talent sucks this year
  2. I tricked a good friend of mine with Detail Spray today.After I rinsed his Black Trailblazer SS off I sprayed some Detail Spray on it while it was wet then wiped it off.When he came to pick it up I told him to rub the front fender.He was like man you didn't have to wax it.I told him I didn't.That's when I introduced him to the world of Adam's Detail Spray.He was blown completely away when I showed him how great it even worked on his glass.

  3. I tricked a good friend of mine with Detail Spray today.After I rinsed his Black Trailblazer SS off I sprayed some Detail Spray on it while it was wet then wiped it off.When he came to pick it up I told him to rub the front fender.He was like man you didn't have to wax it.I told him I didn't.That's when I introduced him to the world of Adam's Detail Spray.He was blown completely away when I showed him how great it even worked on his glass.

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