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Posts posted by IowaEmt1991

  1. Hey guys!


    Picked up a new truck a few weeks and finally had a chance to get it up to par. Once again my Adams arsenal was put to work on the previously finish abused truck. That color just looks amazing in the sun after a full correction, super sealant, americana and topped with glaze. And yes I know the tires aren't dressed...sun was going down haha.









  2. What have you guys noticed to produce a better end result in terms of finish quality. I get a great finish using foam and FMP, however in certain light I am able to see some micro scratches and would like to rid those. Wondering if you guys think the microfiber might produce a little better result, it seems my car has some rather hard clear coat. Even with SSR it takes some work to get out big swirls.


    On a side note, what causes the micro swirls? I have been told that is generally from over working the polish on the area I am correcting?





  3. What is the minimum temperature you guys would recommend paint correct at? Supposed to be in the mid 40s here next week and Im eager to get the care all fixed after driving it all winter. It stayed fairly clean with weekly washes all winter but I know it will still need a little loving. If anythign I'd like to get a nice coat of wax on it before the snow starts to melt and the roads get really messy.   Sure was nice being able to wash my car with fresh non recycled water at work whenever I wanted. 






  4. Long story short, fellow car person has a Subaru WRX. From what he says I am understanding the clear is very soft. He has been looking for new micro fibers for sometime now that won't hurt/scratch/mar the soft finish. So of course I had to suggest Adams to him. I am hoping you guys can share some experience with the Adams towels (any towel) and soft clear coat. Even some pictures would be great. Once there is a good number of replies I will share this thread with him and see if he is convinced.


    Thanks a lot guys


  5. I'll be honest, even after reading the reviews for the rinseless wash I was still on the edge about it. Something about not needing a hose to wash a car seems pretty wrong to me for some reason haha.  Threw in a bottle of rinseless on my last order as well as some new double softs, and a few more buckets.


    Currently 17 degrees outside and about 30 in my garage. Little warm sink water and some double softs and I went at. hosed off the big chinky crap and all the sand/salt stuff, and went to it. I must say after using this it might be my new favorite product from Adams.  IMO it also leaves a fairly good shine behind for being a cleaning agent. Seemed to lift the dirt very all while keeping the surface lubricated. Good job guys.





    And of course a reflection picture....


  6. Eric, what has worked for my through the years is basically what you're doing now.  Pretty much a day or two after every salt necessary event, I'd take the vehicle to the coin-op and spray it down.  I'd use STRAIGHT water with NO soap and knock off all the crap.  I'd get nice and close to get any metallic chunks and what not that may be clinging to the paint as well.  I then would hit it with the "hot wax" which is all but useless.  What it did though, is allow the water to bead even better and roll off in the wind.  


    In the fall I make sure to have 2-3 apps of AQS on the car.  My tests have shown that it without any "wax" along with regular spray offs, has helped keep my car "rail dust" free and in the spring it cleans up great! 


    Hey Eric, if you're wanting to trade that GP in, let me know!  I'm selling my G8 GT and would LOVE to see it go to a good home right here in IA.  I even have winter wheels and tires if you need them! ;)



    You have no Idea how much I would like your g8. Unfortunately I just bought a house so for now I will have to pass :( Although I sure do enjoy my house and its 2 car garage lol

  7. i live in iowa too and i cant even imagine rinseless wash being safe in our winter conditions, des moines is horrible. 


    my red paint looks like it went mudding if i dont give it a wash atleast once a week, like now :(



    Haha someone that understands.  I think if anything I will stick to my normal routine, then hit it with the rinse less once I get home in my garage.  OR I have also thought about filling up my 2 buckets at home, going to the car wash, spraying it off to get the nasty thick stuff, then 2 bucket washing it. Should't be to bad as the local pay and spray has heated (to an extent) bays.

  8. I live in Iowa though haha. My car just gets absolutely destroyed. Especially a few days after a snow storm when the roads have all melted. Car is covered in a combination of salt brine, and god knows what else from the roadway. I know for a fact with how dirty it is, rinseless wash is not an option here.  Atleast until I go to the pay and spray and knock the big stuff off first.

  9. After correcting my paint I always get confused as to what comes next.  


    Paint has been correct up to needing sealing/waxing.  Just wondering what the ideal combination based on others experiences is based the polish stage.


    In what order do you guys generally apply sealant, glaze, americana, and so on?



  10. Just curious what other people do to keep their vehicles clean during the winter. I mean the ones you actually drive ;) haha.


    Personally I just go to the nice coin op one in town.



    1. Spray whole care with detail spray/ (seems to help lift the crap off the paint)

    2. spray wheels with wheel cleaner.

    3. pre soak

    4. soap wash

    5. rinse

    6. Spot free.



    All done with a hand wand, never a drive through or scrubbed with a brush.


    Anyone see any problems, or other things I could do to help better my results. I  try to stay on top of washing it once per week in the winter.



  11. Girlfriend got a new truck yesterday so of course I had to fix the god awful farm truck paint it had on it.  I must say it cleaned up very well. Pictures are not the best but you get the idea. 90% of it was fixable with FMP...the rest needed some love from the SHR.  And yes her dad is a snap on guy.  :D







  12. Just got finished up with a fall detail on the car. I was able to correct 95% of the swirls which is fine being it is a daily driver. However I noticed in some areas, specifically body curves, there is some minor micro marring. What causes this, and how can I fix it? I should also add I did not use SHR as it was not warranted for the paint damage, only fine machine polish.




  13. So lets say I do a full correction on the car. Week goes by and I decide to wash it. I always use the proper 2 bucket wash.  I get the majority of the water off with a drier, but my problem lies in the towel dry.



    After the majority of the water is gone, I wipe it down with a great white and some DS. However, in the right light I can notice minor imperfections left behind from the towel. Is there anything thing I can do, maybe a different a method? Or is that just kind of how it goes?



  14. Just sitting here thinking about jobs and got curious what everyone else does for a living? 

    So...What do you guys and how do you like it? 

    As for myself, 
    I have been a Medic in the Army for 3.5 years now, and a Army flight medic for almost a year. Also work at a volunteer ambulance service as a paramedic. My full time job is a paramedic for the local cities service. Also went to school for auto collision repair as a fall back.  This is my rig.



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