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Posts posted by pittpens24

  1. 18 hours ago, The Guz said:

    You are letting it sit too long before wiping it off.  If you don't see the rainbow the attribute to look for is a sweating effect.  It too is not as easy to notice that attribute.  The other tip I could give you is to take your finer and swipe the section lately.  If your finger easily moves the coating around it is not ready. If your finger mark does not move the coating around it it ready to be wiped off.  


    I would recommend to use something like a couple edlegess 300 towels or even one edgeless 300 and one edgeless 365 rather than the suede towel and the plush towel.  I use towels from TRC.  


    If the spray coating did not remove the high spots then the actual coating has sat too long for that to work  Same goes for using the coating again.  Both of these need to be applied rather quickly before the coating cures.  Not the next day as this will require polishing.  


    Menzerna polishes are too oily and I would not recommend them when using any coating. 

    Thank you for the response. 

    What polishes do you recommend? 

    Will definitely check out the towels you recommended as well.

    I did try to look for the sweating as well and saw nothing.  I did call Adam's before I saw this and said it was a definite temperature and humidity issue being in NJ and that it most likely flashed immediately like you mentioned above.  I was told to try 1x1 areas instead of a 3x3.  Will give it one more go after it cools down here in another month or so.

  2. Spent the day yesterday prepping my 2018 silverado for what I thought was going to be a superb experience after watching tons of vids and reading rav reviews.  

    Product went on great but did not rainbow.  Did half the hood, used the adams uv light and perfect coverage.  Did the other half since I though I waited too long and missed the effect and no rainbow after 10 minutes.  Was hard to wipe off and streaked.  Figured I left it on too long so re applied and wiped immediately and it was worse.  Tried again and seemed to lock in streaks under the previous application.  Rubbing hard did not work.  Rebuffing it all off this am and thinking I have a bad batch of product or something.  Watched all the videos of leveling and releveling in case of high spots and nothing works as it should.  Also have a bottle of spray graphene advanced but now afraid to try that after the paint correction.  What did  I do wrong?  The product did not rainbow at all or can't you see it on a black vehicle?

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