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Posts posted by jcarr

  1. I am detailing my wife's Trailblazer. After doing 3-4 passes with both Severe S&H and S&H, I was happy with the results and wiped the residue. After wiping the residue to a clear finish the paint would become cloudy after a few moments each time I buffed the surface. Temp was in the high 70's with low humidity and I was working inside the garage. I have not experienced this before. Any thoughts?


  2. Headed on a road trip this weekend to a friends wedding. My wife and I plan to take our Challenger. It's about a 2hr trip one way. No hose that I know of, only a coin wash. We will be gone Friday evening through Monday so I won't beI able to stand not having the car all clean and bugs removed. Limited on space with our dog and luggage. What would everyone recommend as essentials to take.

    # of towels-each type, chemicals, tools, etc.....

  3. sealant gets applied to bare paint, follow that up with the glaze then wax. if your taking a road trip and your expecting to hit bugs, a quick application of the QS over the wax is okay too :2thumbs:


    Just applied a layer quick sealant to my black challenger this weekend in the garage. My lights are not the best but it looked fine when I wiped it down. Followed directions on back of can. When I backed it out this afternoon to look at it in sunlight there were smears all over. I had applied BG/Americana a month ago and understood the above post as I could put QS over the top. Any suggestions? I tried wiping it down with detail spray and ww with no change. Smears are not like wax that hasn't dried.



  4. Junkman

    Great video. After watching this I had a question about washing you car on road trips. Several times during the summer I take may car overnight to a weekend car show or a family event and only have access to a public self serve car wash. What tips, methods, products products do you recommend for these situations? In the Midwest I always fight bug guts on the front of the car that I don't want sit on there for a couple of days and or I may be prepping for a showing after driving one or two hundred miles. Thanks for your input.


  5. Junkman,

    I have a situational question about using the detail spray that I wanted to get your opinion on..........

    You have a completely clean surface and then go out for a ride and pick up some bugs along the way. Do you suggest using the waterless wash when getting back to the garage and removing the bugs while they are fresh? I always want to get them off asap but hate having to rewash just because I went on a short ride and the rest of the car does not require it. Bugs are my biggest problem in the summer as I rarely drive in the rain with my Challenger. Please advise.



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