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Posts posted by Kody

  1. Adams did a LOT of testing between the two... I know you want end user experiences and I know there are some that can chime in. Thankfully I held off until Adams came out with one. :D


    I just bought three new bottles of S###x so I won't be needing any wheel cleaner for a little bit, but I might just get a bottle of DWC to try. I like that you get bigger bottles with DWC vs S###x, and the price seems to be just right.

  2. So you wet the wheels and then hit it with APC and when you get around it's dried?


    Try doing 2 wheels at a time. I know that's a "DUH" comment, but...


    No I don't rinse my wheels or tires first. My wheel cleaner has to go on dry, so I spray the wheels down then spray a very heavy helping of APC on the dry tire. Then I move to the next tire and just do the same process as the previous. Then move back to the first wheel and tire and brush everything down, but as of late I've noticed the APC is mostly dried up by the time I'm done spraying the second wheel down.



    And lol! But that's what I've done and I'm still having the same problem with just doing two wheels/tires.

  3. Definitely the first time I've heard this issue.


    I can spray all 4 of my wheels and its still wet by the time I get around to all of them and thats in the thin/dry air of Colorado where everything dries out FAST.


    Are you rinsing the tires first?


    That's what I'm saying lol! But I can't hardly get enough dwell out it to get two let alone four! And no I spray it on with no rinse. On my boss the "very similar to DWC except green cleaner" I use calls to be put on a dry wheel so I just put both products on dry. I still can't see that causing it to dry that fast though?


    Yeah, but FL is like living on the sun sometimes. Was the car cool and wheels at ambient temps? The only time I have this issue is if I come home and clean the car right away.


    I thought this at first when it happened in the summer time, but it happened to me the last two times I've washed anything and it's been in the upper 70's with a slight breeze, and the car was not driven at all either time.




    And this is a fresh gallon of APC too, I've only had a few months. This is getting frustrating especially with the foaming sprayer cuz I usually have to give another good spray down before doing anything cuz the products dried up so it seems to be very wasteful.

  4. I started off with the PC, and quickly upgraded to the flex! The flex is a much nicer machine to use for long periods of time as well as making things go faster. I still use my PC, just with a 3" backing plate and pad that I use to get out some tougher scratches or get in small areas. I don't know how much you're willing to spend but you really can't go wrong with having both, just use the PC with the 3" pads and use the flex to do the big stuff.

  5. Hey guys,


    I've noticed this lately and it's really starting to become a problem at times. My APC seems to dry out really fast! I usually spray down two tires at a time to let everything get a good soak, but it seems like now by the time I finish spraying down the second tire the first one has already dried up, and this is just in a matter of maybe a minute to a minute and a half however long it takes to spray a wheel and tire down lol, and yes the surface will be cool to the touch, and working in the shade. Is this normal? and if so is there anyway to increase dwell time?




  6. Well I had follow my girlfriend all through out a retirement neighborhood in the boss, which if you've not aware with open side pipes and roush axle backs will wake the dead! So I'm pretty sure I've got a small clan of old folks that wanna kill me!



    See here's proof! :rockon:



  7. I was on a job at a buy here pay here kinda car lot with the old car lift company I was with, and this complete punk of kid (prolly 20ish maybe) got in an argument with his boss about washing a car that had just come in. I swear to all that's holy that is how that kid washed this car! Me and the guy I was working with were laughing so hard! He even pressure washed the seats and carpets lol!




  8. I'm so happy I don't have to deal with that white fluffy stuff in FL! As I get older (I'm only 21 what did I just say that?!) I can't handle the cold like I used to, but I still want to see it in person one more time.



  9. I would take offense to that. I drove over the road for about 6 years when I got out of the Marine Corps. Went to a driving school got my Class A. I Kept my truck clean as can be. There are a lot of Truckers out there that keep their rigs cleaner than most do their cars. Just like with any job or occupation there are those that are not the best at keeping things clean. I got a I.T. guy here at our company and he lives like a rat would. So I think that is a really bad statement, Your opinion, but really in bad taste in my thoughts.





    I didn't mean all drivers are like that. You're right some really do keep their trucks spotless, but there is also some that don't and it's usually extremely disgusting!

  10. Expensive? Like others have said here it all depends on the perspective. I am in your same area and our daily driver car also sits outside all the time. It is a Kona Blue Mazda 6 - Ugh!! I think it is as bad or even worse than keeping a black car looking nice.


    GM's dark spiral grey color is the same way! But it looks so good when it's clean!


    This is what I was dealing with on a regular basis with my old truck.



  11. It all depends on how you look at it...


    If you look at detailing as more of a chore you HAVE to do, then I see how it seems expensive.


    I think this has a lot to do with it, here in FL you can not keep a car clean for any more than a few days if your lucky. It does seem like a chore after awhile, especially when you used to try and keep a lifted 3/4 ton silverado spotless during the summer months!

  12. Yeah just so what I said is not taken out of context, I love having a clean car and will continue to buy the products to do so.... But it still hurts to drop the cash!


    I guess it's also compounded by the fact that I'm in FL and we've had showers almost everyday for a while, and we all know what it's like to just wash your car just to get stuck in the rain!

  13. Hey guys,


    I'm sure this is not the first time this has been brought up here, but good grief is it expensive to keep a car clean and looking good!


    In the last two weeks I've dropped:


    $120 on 6 other name brand pads, 5 3000 grit sanding disc's, and a smaller backing plate for my flex.


    $105, on a gallon of Adams car wash, 2 9x9 wash pads, glass cleaner DS, 1 can of IAO, and a can of QS


    $139, with another company and non Adams products, so I won't name names, But I bought a 4" backing plate for my PC, 6 4" pads, 2 grit guards, 2 bars of clay, a bottle of wheel cleaner, a wheel brush, 2 hand applicators, and a sample tub of wax. Sorry! :( just trying different things out.


    That's just what I've bought in two weeks! And I still at the end of the day stand back and go "oh I prolly should have bought this (and that list is generally 3 or 4 items)!"


    I love having a clean car don't get me wrong! But this is ridiculous!


    Am I the only one who feels this way?


    Sorry bout the rant!


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