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Posts posted by SIDetailing

  1. going for it today.. I switched over to GC to lighten the affect.. lol


    update on basement: drains will be installed Thurs-Fri.. then the rebuild begins..


    Nick remember. Pics of the basement when finished. I'm sure you cant wait. Lol

  2. I really dig the smell of a good stogie but I don't smoke. As for Cuban, man I could really dig a good Cuban Sandwich right now. They had a place in Tampa that I had my first one. I went there every day on my vacation. Cuban Bread, ham, pork, cheese, pickles, mayo and mustard pressed and cooked to perfection. I'm freakin drooling.:drool:


    Do you remember the place you went to here in Tampa?

  3. Teresa, I know what you are going through. Its a tough thing to deal with. Once the cancer has touched the brain, your going to see your father act very differently forwards everything. Talk to people who aren't there, remember things that he forgot to do 40 years ago, and many other things. Im 21 years old and watched my mother go through it. It was very hard to me. I sometimes got overwhelmed I just wanted to breakdown and just give up. I learned that she cant help it nor can your father, so my advice to you is to just be easy on him. Be easy on yourself. It will get very stressful but trust me you will get though it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father. Good luck with everything and wish you both the best.


    Oh btw, I do believe they have found a cure for cancer, but due to greedy people and a messed up government we have, we are still "working" on it. I find it very hard to believe with all the cancer research centers and money that was funded for them that we only have treatments for certain types of cancer. It may work, it may not work, all depends how your body reacts to the treatment.


    Anyways I don't want to get deeper into this so just stay strong and hope everything works out for the best.

  4. Wow Billy....im sorry to hear that. I lost my mother when I was seven. Im now 21. It was the hardest thing I had to go through. When I read your comment, I couldnt imagine what you had to go through.

  5. Cleaned the house, fought with my dogs because they ate my sub I just bought at publix, went to sleep because I was hungry but too lazy to go back out and get some food. Lol now I find myself on here.

  6. Ahh I see well take care of that wrist. Gonna need it for that detail. Yea it was bad. Im not sure if the store that hit use yesterday headed north up the coast. I would take advantage of the weather since it wont be sunny. Do you have a garage?

  7. That's great. I hope I see a post on here about that detail. How the heck did you hurt your wrist? Last night it was pouring here. Lightning really bad. Struck the house next to me. I thought it was a hurricane. My trash can was blowing into the street and my back yard flooded. I had a a little plastic cooler that was floating around with a fruit rat on top. I laughed so hard. I wish I took a picture of it.

  8. Yea but at least its something until you can figure things out. If I were you I would try to look up things that you maybe able to do. I fixed alot on my house that would have cost me tens of thousands.

  9. Man sorry to here about all of the problems. If you have been laid off you will get approved for unemployment. Good luck with everything. Glad you shared everything with us. Not good to keep everything in.

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