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Posts posted by msb7144

  1. This is kind of out of the sequence of things to this point but I didnt want to start a new thread. Going into the winter season can I skip the polish? I dont really need that extra shine in the winter so can I do swirl and haze remover then glaze? I just needed some light swirls out and protection for winter. As usual, thanks for the help.

  2. Yet another question....I just bought some brilliant glaze and the red pad. Is the BG supposed to be watery? All the other products are thick in their consistancy except for this, so I want to make sure it should be this way and do you really use the PC to apply the product even with its thin consistancy?

  3. Ok, so I got some Adams products and I love them but I have some confusion on what to use and what steps are best. Heres what I have done thus far

    1 wash

    2 claybar

    3 swirl remover

    4 fine machine polish

    5 ???


    Step 5 is where I get lost, do I need the super sealant next then wax or do I stop after step 4? Are the steps after #4 optional or needed? Please help. I hope this is in the correct section.


    I also use the PC to apply if that makes a difference.

  4. So I got the hang of using the PC but my question now is........how do I keep the scratches away?? I mean we all still have to wash the cars, so how or whats the best way to prevent getting new scratches? I seem to notice more scratches showing up, almost like I just covered them and the washing is removing the covering to show them again.

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