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Everything posted by indyb6

  1. Pictures here: http://www.adamsforums.com/forums/hand-polishing/18549.htm
  2. So, as promised, I am posting pictures of my first ever detail on my first car. Did the whole process over this past weekend. Here are the steps I followed: Wash (Adam's Shampoo) Clay (Adam's Clay Kit) Swirl & Haze Remover (partial) Hand Polish Quick Sealant VRT on plastic bits (did not do the wheels) Buttery Wax I used Swirl and Haze Remover on the hood and the driver's door and did not see any satisfying results, so gave up and did the rest of the car with just the Hand Polish. Lots of elbow grease was spent and lots of calories were burned. The result was satisfying though. I am still a little sore Here are the pictures: The arsenal of products (almost all of it Adam's) Before the wash (tried to stay out of the sun as much as possible) The scratches are evident here (left corner of the hood). The yellow and orange lines visible on the hood are overhead wires DId not take many pictures during the process. Here is what she looked like after I was done: This is a major scratch on the hood that will take some serious machine polishing or wet sanding
  3. Came home to this yesterday :banana: Now waiting for my garage door to be fixed. Hope to get intimate with my paint this weekend
  4. I just listened to that, and it does sound good. Yes, I think a PC or Flex is very much likely in the near future
  5. ^^ Desis Represent!! LOL Anyways, nice to be part of a community where I can share my car detailing enthusiasm. People around me don't understand this obsession, but I have comfort in knowing that I am not alone
  6. Its a 08 VW Passat. This pic is from when I just purchased it Here's another one (cell phone pic) It looks more or less the same, but its getting dirty. I have never polished or waxed it, and I don't know what the previous owner did (bought it in July 2011). A thorough clay bar job and then polish and wax is on the way
  7. I am already getting impatient for my shipment to arrive, so I guess the addiction is already setting its roots without even using the products.
  8. Have been lurking around for quite a while and finally decided to take the plunge and ordered $200 of Adam's products. Hope to see a package at my door by 30th of May. Certainly new to car ownership, and consequently detailing. I don't have a Porter Cable or any power tools, so I'll be using a lot of elbow grease . Adam's hand polish kit FTW! Let the detailing addiction begin And yes, if you couldn't tell from the title of this post, I am originally from India.
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