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Posts posted by Thumpr

  1. I have a couple of questions with regards to Brilliant Glaze so if you will indulge me....................


    • Can Brilliant Glaze be applied in direct sunlight like Buttery Wax can? 
      Or must it be applied in the shade and under certain temperature parameters?
      Sorry for this question but I cannot find the info anywhere and really curious.
    • I would like to confirm that you only need one coat of Brilliant Glaze to be applied and that layering it will not result in any increased benefit with regards to shine, depth and brilliance of paint.  Additional layers may actually eat into the first layer(s) and cause the product to be blotchy?
    • Everyone always refers to the combination of Brilliant Glaze and Americana Wax.  But what about Brilliant Glaze and Buttery Wax as a combination?  Does any one use this combination and if so what type of results do you achieve?  Are there any issues with this combination of products?
      I realize the Buttery Wax is not as hard and long lasting as Americana but my girl is a garage queen most of the time and not my daily driver so I am not really worried about the longevity of the wax but more interested in the "looks" results that can be obtained.


    Thanks for any and all answers and opinions. 



  2. Thanks for the clarification Mook.  I am now unconfused and feeling that I now understand what the Quick Sealant is really about and how it can be used. 


    I think that fcca1502 is correct in that the video is somewhat misleading in that no where does it actually talk about the fact that Quick Sealant should be applied to to bare clear coat or paint and then glaze and wax applied.  I personally cannot be the only one that had/has this misunderstanding about the product and order in which it should really be applied.  But I may be the only one willing to ask the question and look potentially like a novice even though I am not.  Maybe doing an edit on the products description and then the video would be very helpful to others also.


    Thanks again to everyone for you answers.

  3. Thanks for the replies to my question guys.


    But I have to say that I am still puzzled....................Adam's markets the Quick Sealant as being able to apply it before you go on a road trip or other in regards to creating a "bug guts shield" (my words not Adam's).  If you watch the video for the Quick Sealant product it is referenced as being able to apply it so that you can more easily wash off/remove bugs guts and other things.  So to me that would mean that the Quick Sealant would be put on after the gloss and wax.  Which would then make it a last step product (LSP).  


    So in the video are they actually saying that you would have to apply the Quick Sealant and then glaze and wax the front of your car for the "bug guts shield" .............. or are they actually saying you can apply the Quick Sealant as an LSP, so over top the wax, to have it work as a "bug guts shield"????


    Partially unconfused but still somewhat confused and trying to sort this out.  Any further insight into this????

  4. Just trying to figure out the best order of things.  Did some poking around and searching but not able to find the answers so coming to the community. 


    After washing and if required taking any swirls and marks out I need to figure out the order of using the following products:

    Brilliant Glaze

    Buttery Wax or Americana Wax

    Quick Sealant


    I had originally thought glaze, wax and then sealant but some people are saying sealant, glaze and then wax.  I had thought the sealant as the last step so that you can keep the finish perfect by "sealing" it in and not worry about having to wax as often. Plus everything, including bugs, can be removed faster and easier.  My girl is a garage queen who really only comes out in nice weather and for shows.


    So what order are people using these products in, why and what results are you getting?

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