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Posts posted by MarkyDSharky

  1. Ah ok cuz I'm going to the goodguys show with intent to meet ppl;)


    I can Confirm that I will be in Pleasanton, CA at the Good Guys show on Nov 14th & 15th. We will have the booth setup just outside of The Hall of Commerce . Which is the same location from August at the West Coast Nationals. We will be doing live demo's both days and have all of the Adams goodies on hand including all of the newest stuff. Please come on by the booth and say hello. It is always a great time getting to meet new people. If your going to have your hotrod with you drive it on up and we can play with it for awhile if you like. Shoot me an email or give me a call if you need to chat beforehand.


    I will however Deny any knowledge that I may or may not have of the Detail Clinic at the warehouse in Torrance.



  2. Always worth a shot! Hard to find enough people around here to get one together. Griots kinda has a lot of people fooled around here. lol


    Well let's fix that little problem. If there is enough interest in your area let me know, I would be happy to try and work with you to put together a Detail Clinic.





  3. Here is a link to a thread elswhere on the board with pictures of the guys in action..




    Rumor has it that sales went well both days especially with the waterless car wash.

    While you guys worked the event, I was working the campground. I know my schmoozing resulted in a few sales of towles and waterless car wash !!!

    The guy next to us scooped up the last three bottles on Saturday and made some towel purchases...






    It was great to finally have met you. Thanks so much for stopping by and hooking us up with a beautiful ride to shine on all day Friday. I can't speak for Steveo, but it's safe to say that we had an absolute blast all three days. We met alot of great folks and saw and played with some very cool cars. As always the Adam's products were the star of the show, some of which were so popular they disappeared way too quickly! I'm already looking forward to the next trip down to Pleasanton. Hopefully we'll be able to make it down to Sacramento the first week in October for the NSRA show.


    Sorry we missed the festivities back at the motorhome on Saturday night, I screwed that one up! However I have to say that if you ever get a chance to watch Steveo hammer down at 4X4 at In-N-Out it is quite the site! Pictures exist of this but are on Steves camera, so he will have to throw himself under the bus.


    Thanks for all of your support!



  4. Dennis,


    As you said we'll be there with the Adam's setup looking to have some fun with you and anyone else that is coming out to the show. We are looking forward to meeting you and anyone else from the forums that would like to stop on by and introduce themselves. We will have on hand all of the great Adam's products including all of the new releases. We will be running live demonstrations the entire weekend, so bring your hot rod by the booth and we'll get it all shined up for you! The Adam's booth should be located in front of the Hall of Commerce building close by the Good Guys Rig.


    Hope to meet alot of you there!


  5. Dennis,


    No worries... Baldini's was a bust, you didn't miss a thing. I would be very shocked if they have an event next year after the mess they had going on there this year.


    We're going to be setup at the Good-Guys show coming up in Pleasanton in a little over a week from now. If you or anyone else is going to be there stop on by the setup and say hello.



  6. We had an absolute blast! There were over 600 registered cars for the Show-N-Shine and the cruise. We did alot of demos with the Adams Products and then got to enjoy the results during the cruise later that night. The Americana Wax is the most spectacular finish we've ever seen and our customers are loving the results. I'll try to get some more pictures of cars up when I get a chance to convert them for you.



  7. Here is a picture of our setup this past Friday and Saturday at the Drifts at the Jackson County Expo. We'll have this same setup at the Kickoff ShowNShine this coming Thursday at Lava Lanes at 5 and Friday and Saturday at Hawthorne Park.


    Sorry no pictures of the Drifters. Hard to take pictures and do demos at the same time. We'll try to get better at the picture taking for ya!

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