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Mrs. Adams

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Posts posted by Mrs. Adams

  1. Welcome to AF Melissa !!!!



    Now you can tell us what Adam really says about us when he's off line :lol::lol::lol:




    I need a raise :jester:


    :o Adam can't get enough...I have to peel him off of the forum every night! I bribe him with dessert! He thinks you are doing a fantastic job!

  2. welcome.gif


    Glad you could join us.


    You have a great husband and a gorgeous lil girl!!! :cheers:


    And your home...truly awesome (at least what we have seen of it)!!


    FYI...Adam brags about his whole family.


    Thank you Teresa!


    Adam can not say enough about you! He thinks you are the sweetest thing!


    I look forward to getting to know you!

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