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Showandshine.ca is online or walk in store that sale all of Adams car care  in Windsor Ontario  just ask for Don he has all of Adams products great service and we'll stocked I frist ordered online and got it with 3days and no hidden costs  .myself I work all over the place and I found out that I would be working in Windsor I was happy to stop in  to Don store .The shelves where full of all the products that I seeneed online ,well I'm like a kid in a candy store so if you live in Canada check out Showandshine.ca for All Adams products  Rob L satisfied  customer 


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I haven't been to the store front yet.. 4hr drive for me to go there, but I can concur with the above sentiment.. Don has been great to work with in getting orders placed and prompt shipping.. now to just get our CDN government to stop putting duties on some of the other products that are cost prohibitive to bring into Canada so we can get things like clothing at a reasonable price.. again.. not a Don, Adam's or Show and Shine issue.. just our stupid gvnt up here... and as I type this I have a beverage in my Show & Shine coolie that was a nice thank-you in one of my orders.

Edited by moons21
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