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Just wanted to stop in and say hi and everyone has some greay looking rides. I am hoping to gain the knowledge I need to become a better detailelr. I have always used Meguiars in the past but a friend turned me onto this site. I look forward to ordering the dual action polisher kit being that have never used one. It is going to be a couple of months before i order due to me being deployed currently. I have always detailed by hand which gets real old. Any suggestions on other products I might need to purchase would be a great help. Thanks in advance because there are many ?'s to come. There are a couple pics of my truck detailed by hand and what I do with my truck. I use it like a truck but I also like to baby it. From what I have seen on the forum my hopes are high for getting rid of dome swirls and scratches using Adams products over meguiars. I will let you guys know as soon as I get a chance to do it. There will be snow on the ground when I get home and it will be way to cold to do a detail. Oh the anticapation.



washed and waxed (by hand w/meguiars)


And a shot of me and my daughter with a day playing (aka using my truck)


Edited by s_rhoden
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Vette girl suprisingly we do have a summer up there, but unfortunately im stuck in afghanistan while the summer comes and goes in AK. I left when there was snow on the ground and most likely there will be snow on the ground when I return. Oh well part of the price for being in the military. And to answer your other question that is my baby girl.

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Vette girl suprisingly we do have a summer up there, but unfortunately im stuck in afghanistan while the summer comes and goes in AK. I left when there was snow on the ground and most likely there will be snow on the ground when I return. Oh well part of the price for being in the military. And to answer your other question that is my baby girl.


Your daughter is gorgeous. labelle.gif


Stay safe in Afghanistan and thanks for keeping us safe. :patriot::patriot:


BTW...I would recommend you invest in an Exterior and Interior kit for your truck. All the products are worth the investment. :2thumbs:

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Anyone have some good recommendations on what to put on the undercarrige to get it looking nice again? I have thought about spraying with some rustoleum or something to that nature. Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.

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Anyone have some good recommendations on what to put on the undercarrige to get it looking nice again? I have thought about spraying with some rustoleum or something to that nature. Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.



If it is in good condition put the undercarraige spray on it. If you want to put a paint on it i would not because the winter up there with the salt the unndercraige is probably rusty so it you put a paint over that it would probably seal that rust in.

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we dont use salt on the roads where im at rahter they use gravel. i think there is just a little bit of surface rust from where the undercoating has started to come off. isnt there a rust inhibitor that turns black. i was thinking of useing it because it would stop all the rust and seal it up again.

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we dont use salt on the roads where im at rahter they use gravel. i think there is just a little bit of surface rust from where the undercoating has started to come off. isnt there a rust inhibitor that turns black. i was thinking of useing it because it would stop all the rust and seal it up again.


I think Rustoleum makes a product called POR, paint over rust, I don't know much about it but you might want to look into it ?


And thank you for your service :patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot:

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You guys are very welcome. I appriciate all the kind words of thanks an let me tell you from a veteran's stand point a thank you and a hand shake mean the world. I have been in going on 12 yrs. now (joined straight out of high school)and have seen the likes of Korea, Saudia Arabia, Iraq, and Afghanistan and like most young kids I took the things little things for granted. Now that I have a 7 yr old daughter it gives me being in the military more of a purpose. But again I appriciate all the thanks.:2thumbs::patriot:

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I too thank you for your service to this country. Both of my brothers are retired Air Force and I know first hand of the sacrifice that a soldier (and his/her family) makes while serving. Stay safe and know that you've got a lot of folks pulling for you back in the states. Hopefully the time will pass quickly so you can get back to your family.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Soldier!! Welcome to Adams and we're glad to have you. Thank you and all the guys and gals over there-we think about you all often, want to get you back home safe and sound! HUGS!


Your daughter is sooooooo cute!! LOL


Like your truck too.


I'm pretty new to Adams but I am liking what I have used and superior over what I purchased before. Oluse...we are a great group over here, just hangin out. :hi:

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