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Bad week that gotten worse


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As a lot of you know, this week I lost a good friend of mine while serving in Afghanistan. Today, my family was told that my grandfather Angelo has been given 24 hours to live. He has been in a nursing home for the past year. When he was admitted into the nursing home they found a spot on one of his lungs. That spot has grown over time and this is what is causing his health to get worse. He is 97 years old and immigrated from Italy in 1919. His wife (my grandmother) died in 1980 and he has lived with my parents ever since. He has a daughter (my mom) and his son (my uncle) died in 2001. He has 6 grandchildren and 11 great children ranging from 16 to 8.


The nurses have him as comfortable as possible. His meds are adjusted so that he is sleeping most of the time. If you find time to pray, please pray for him. Please pray for his comfort and ease. I know that he will be in a better place and the lord will take care of him. God bless.



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i am sorry to hear that...keep your head up... back last year my grandmother got put into a nursing home...they told my father that she had only a few weeks left...she was almost comatose , out of no where she snapped out of it made it another year. she died back in december.. i know its tough!

i actually cried about her before after reading your thread

but well pray for u and ur fam!

Edited by 6spdg37s
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I am sooooo sorry that your having to deal with 2 deaths in such a short time.


Your grandfather and buddy are in a much better place.


My grandma (who died at the age of 96) always told me that where we are living now is Hell and much happier times are found in Heaven.


My thoughts are with you.



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