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Rich B.

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Posts posted by Rich B.

  1. At a loss on the washing of the towels, seriously. Why can't they be washed and dried the same as anything else? The idea is to keep them supple, lint free and not wear them out from washing and boiling water before you use them? Is it the towel or how the towel is used, would think a light circular motion would produce the desired results.


    Any info on this back to the beginning and basics from what I know and from what I'm reading here would be good....

  2. Went grocery shopping this AM, brought in a bag of deposit cans and bottles. Took the pups for a walk on the trails, helped neighbor set a pileing for his retainer wall. Next had a cookout and went cycling through the woods. Getting ready to jump in the pool, hot as anything here too. Watch some TV and lights out.


    Hmmm, do this everyday, don't work anymore.

  3. What happened today was one if the worst days of my life. I use Adams products religiously, but today landscapers totally ruined my cars paint!! At work of all places. Just finished writing an angry email to construction manager and now venting on the forum. Has anyone else had this happened to them?

    Similar, years ago at work a radar tower was being painted. My 'Lil Red Express Truck was covered with paint droplets. Wind was not favorable that day, contractor paid for complete cleaning and detail.

  4. Never enough room, have 2 car and shed is 1 1/2 car garage. Everything else in them also but cars fit in fine. Main garage wife's side you could detail in, other side and shed (can see in photo), cars fit fine but no extra space other than to vac them out....

  5. On the towel linting issue. Is this normal due to the small fiber pile of the towels shedding or is this a case of disintegration of the small loops due to cleaning and washing of towels?


    Maybe they've been doing this right along but lint always catches or ends up where you don't need it. Use to hate when you'd snag a rag under the corner of a chrome piece and couldn't get the threads out from under it.


    Noticed years ago lambs wool bonnets would lint and shed also, stopped after using for awhile. Same thing with those red shop rags but they're just cheap (don't use to polish). Guess the towels are best to use to date though....

  6. Either would suffice as the nozzle itself is so downsized. I have a 3/8" copper line underground to the pool area for washing the filters and that has the same pressure as my 5/8" garden hoses, maybe better. The larger 3/4" diameter might be good if your running it 200' or so as Chewy mentions....

  7. Had a lot of problems with acid rain in and around New England years back. This would actually put little etches in the paint if car was left sitting for any length of time or unkempt. Think all the cars had the problem to some extent. Think if it was anything like that you'd see more than 1 speck but a whole bunch of them.

  8. Hi,


    Hopefully someone can give me some idea as to what's happening.


    I cleaned the interior of my truck with the Leather and Interior cleaner. Which includes the front back doors panels and the dash. After a really big rain storm I got in my truck to go out and noticed that the dash and all the door panels had what looked like stains on them. upon closer inpsection it actually looked like I had left the windows open and the rain got everything all wet. BUT nothing was actually wet it only lookedlike it was wet. The next day when it was dry out everything looked fine. But when it get really damp out the stains come back. I first thought that I did not cover the applied areas well enough so I was planning on getting back out and redo the interior but I've not had the chance.


    Any ideas? I love the Adams products but I am very dissapointed if the cause is the interior cleaner. I just placed another order and this time I got the new interior detailer kit.


    any idea will be appreciated.


    Reedit here, after reading above posts was not on the right track, don't know. Have to read directions for each application, many different products, each for a certain thing.

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