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Everything posted by stryker065

  1. Quick update... I used full strength APC. Let sit for a couple minutes then scrubbed and scrubbed. Then rinsed off. When they dried I still saw the brown! I then took a wet rag and most of the brown wiped off! All this time didnt think of wiping them. Yes, I ruined a towel but I may have this solved now. Going to try the same thing next wash.
  2. I am using APC at full strength. Not letting sit on too long. Basically I spray it on then scrub with a brush
  3. I am using a brush. Ill try to post some pics this weekend
  4. Two of my cars have some serious tire blooming going on. I use APC but it actually seems to make it worse. The SVRT hides it but when it wears off I see it again, Any ideas?
  5. I do have the brush and used it. Guess I need to work a little harder on it! Didnt seem right when doing it.
  6. I used the grey sealant pad with the buttery wax. Went on and off super easy! My question is how to clean the pad? When I was done I sprayed the pad with all-purpose cleaner and then rinsed it in water. This does not seem to work as the wax was not washing out. I may have ruined my pad. Any suggestions?
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