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Posts posted by Easyrider

  1. A lot of people do that, the pre-foaming on the surface acts as a loosening of dirt and provides extra lubrication on the surface for your soapy mitt.  Actually, if I owned a foam gun/cannon that is probably what I would do as well, foam the car first then 2 bucket wash and rinse everything after.

    That was what a guy who is uncertain about which way to go wanted to hear.Thank you for the advice I will get my gun as soon as I can.

  2. I LOVE PRESSURE WASHERS!  Especially ones made in the USA...


    Used properly, a pressure washer removes more dirt, with less touching, reducing the possibility of damage.  Also, they are great at getting the muck left on the car from the Delaware winter, which has been crazy!

    I got to tell you its really cool to talk to the boss. My question for you is if you never let your car get rally filthy would a foam gun be overkill. So just doing a two bucket wash would be sufficent?

  3. If you are planning on doing a full wash, then rinsing after foaming is a waste of soap, water, and time. After foaming, I go straight to washing.


    I use an electric pressure washer with the wide fan spray for my initial rinse.


    Adam's soap produces high volume suds and is perfect for your foam gun, foam cannon, and regular wash buckets. Just don't put it in your washing machine  :D


    (moved into Wash, Dry & Claybar forum)

    The reason I got confused was this guy on you tube.First he foamed his car then went right to a normal 2 bucket wash without rinsing off the foam.

  4. I was thinking about an electric pressure washer do you also only use the fan spray on that as well? As far as the foam gun you rinse pre soak then only rinse no agitating with a mitt then a regular wash is that correct? When I do that do I need to buy a seperate foaming soap or is it ok to use Adams soap to foam then wash? Thank you for responding so quick.

  5. My only question about this is how to tell them apart.I have two sets of rims one set is for the winter and one is for nice weather.The nice weather set I know are painted its the winter set I am not sure of.They are both silver and look the same I dont know for sure.I am new to car washing and dont want to ruin anything.

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