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Posts posted by KrazyTrain

  1. So this weekend i was cleaning out the garage and realized i had a whole shelf of wax's, spray detailers, cleaning supplies and random car care cleaning stuff. Sooo i looked at all of it, bagged it up and started to throw it away when WHAM!!! my wife walks out and yells because im trashing it....so what is a man to do at this point :jester: I gave it to my IN-LAWS :lol: When they run low on those supplies ill introduce them to Adams. I know im a evil man but hey i will get a little grin when i go to their house and see that junk on their shelves.


    I had to make room for all my new Adams stuff that should be ariving next week. I even built a new shelf in my garage that will hold my good Adams stuff. Pics to come when i get my supplies next week.


    I can now say i am a die hard Adams guy..... Thanks Jason for helping to get me converted :2thumbs:



  2. Maybe that was his plan all along ;)



    no cause he told me he would just keep doing it himself. But his daughter wants me to do a full detail on her car, which if you seem his daughter you would be willing to help out too...:drool::)

  3. someone once told me that if ur doing a full detail to wash the car with dawn because it helps to strip the wax off. then you clay bar, polish, wax, wax


    That is correct. But he uses dawn every time he washes the car. :willy:

  4. Ok so everyone in my neighborhood knows im a detail junky, they like to get a cooler of beer and a chair and watch me detail my vette:willy:. Sooo yesterday my neighbor calls me over to show me the cool way he cleans and details his car....this is where it gets crazy, He actually washes his car with Dawn everytime and then details it with Pledge :confused: . No pledge is not a a detail spray you can buy it is a firniture polish.....yes Pledge the furniture polish!!!


    And these guys make fun of me :lol: I told him to bring his car over to my garage and leave it for the weekend and i would take care of it for him for now on at no charge, i couldnt believe my eyes. :eek:

  5. Hey Steve, glad to see you made it! :thumbsup:


    Some real good stuff going on over here. We will hook up and talk at the C5/C6 bash. I have some things to show you and I'll have my stuff with me so that we can address any issues (if any) with your finish. You've come a looooooooong way since you bought that PC!


    Yeah i cant wait till the bash!! Yeah ive come along way, still not a guru like you but man can i wash and detail a car now.



  6. Welcome to the site! Good to see more people from the area around, maybe I'll be down in St. Lou one of these days and bump into one of you guys.


    Bring it on we have something going on just about every weekend. Let me know if you are coming to town ill let you know if something is up.



  7. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I will be jumping in and asking alot of questions.


    Looks like alot of familiar people on here and i see Junkman is here!! he is my car detailing hero...:D


    Looks like it is going to be a nice weekend in St louis I got my order in today from Adams so i have some detailing fun ahead of me this weekend.

  8. Hello everyone!! :hi:I have spent the last year or so learing alot about car detailing and have recently discovered the fine Adams products. Thought i would join and maybe pick up a few new tips. I look forward to chatting with all of you and maybe learing a few things. I currently own a 99 Corvette Convertible that is pewter with a white top. I also have a 03 Chevy Silverado that is black and a 04 Harley Davidson that is also black.


    I recognize some you guys from DC so i now have another forum for my wife to yell at me for being on all the time :lol:


    Steve :rockon:

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