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Everything posted by PCA4208

  1. Been away for a while, but yes I was talking about the grace church cars and coffee. Also this weekend is the ABQ art museum car show. I'll be there in my friends blue 68 cougar.
  2. That would be cool. Next weekend I'll be in a car show, and I think the one after too. But we should set something up.
  3. Thanks, and yeah pretty much anything other than this gets the power washer and cheap soap treatment. Call me selfish, but my adams product will never touch a vehicle that's not mine.
  4. Spend the past few days washing, clay baring and generally detailing my truck. I'm pretty impressed with the results for only clay bar and a bit of wax (not Adams product). Still ned to clean wheel wells and etc. but the paint is accounted for. Also finally has a chance to take good photos with my new(ly borrowed) DSLR. Thanks for looking. Just with clay. Then with a bit of wax Yes there's orange peel, but whatever. And what I used. The little spray bottle has just soapy water, I'd spray the majority of a panel with that, then about two or three sprays of detail spray. Did the whole truck like this and turned out great. You can also spot the wax i used in that box, might not be the best but I like it.
  5. That would've been cool. I was super busy yesterday though, same with the rest of the weekend. Next time. There should be a ABQ Adams meet sometime, or just get together and detail the crap out of everything haha.
  6. That sounds like a deal. Thanks! Where are you in abq? I'm in the north valley area.
  7. Yea I figured why not. I'll be doing some paint correction here in the summer so I want to make sure that I have a good knowledge beforehand.
  8. Hello, names Pano from ABQ, NM. Just joined here and looking forward to getting some new info on detailing my truck. I really learned about adams from Chewy, who was a member on the ram truck forum I'm on, but now I learn he's a big shot here haha. As of now the only adams products I own is shampoo, detail spray, some towels and clay but I'm going to fix this soon. My truck is an 03 ram 1500 and I'd say its in pretty good condition for an 11 year old truck. Anyways thanks for looking.
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