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Everything posted by deepconcentratn

  1. Good advice. Damn good advice. I am having literature printed, so I will let you know how it goes. I will post my price list as well.
  2. Thank you for responding. I didn't go to sleep until 3 a.m thinking about the possibilities of this thing. I don't even have business cards, people asked for my number and just literally told them to add me to theri phone contacts under Wash Experts. That's not my official name, it is just something I came up with until I figure this thing out. Bjoeaull, I am thinking about increasing my prices but I will do it very slightly. I do the inside and wipedown of the dash The more expensiive service, I dress the dash and tires. Basic package I don't. Right now, I am just concentrating on doing a premium wash and building my clientele. I have already gotten 4 text this morning, asking if I will be out there washing today. Saturday, we did 35 cars. My arms feel like jelly, lol, I am so dang sore. This is crazy. Like a dream come true.
  3. You're right. I will see how long this will last. Everything is new to me. I am trying to make this work
  4. I just knew someone was going to say that. Maybe if I buy in bigger quantities, that will save money. Do you think they will sell me 5 gallon buckets or give me discounts
  5. I just stumbled on something and I want to get everyone's opinion About 2 weeks ago, I was helping a friend wash some cars in a parking lot in an upscale neighborhood. No big deal really. We set up a huge canopy and just started washing cars. The owner of the office park paid to have his employees cars washed. That was his way of saying thanks to those that sacrificed their weekends to complete some kind of contract. There were about 15 cars, so it took us about 4 hours to do everyones car. Well, people kept stopping by to ask us how much we charged,we looked at each other and I swear to you...I saw dollars signs in his eyes and he saw dollars signs in mine. I made up a crazy number and said, "10 dollars for basic and 20 for ultimate". That day we did we 23 cars. As we were counting our money my friend, Bobby, looked at me and suggested we come back to see if we could duplicate the same success I was all for it, I called in sick at work and met him there at 7 a.m. sharp. We were fairly busy but it got hot quickly and it wasn't fun anymore. As we were packing up, I noticed that people getting off from work, were really the ones that used us more and it was much cooler. We decided to start setting up shop at 6PM. We're going through alot of product. We can easliy do 25 cars a day, we're at a busy intersection and plus we're surrounded by 4 or 5 huge subdivisions. The nearest car wash is probably 5 miles away. We want to maximize our profits. We're using Adams CAR SHAMPOO and it is definitely a crowd pleaser. When that foam comes out, people are shocked. I am looking for ways to either up sale our work or increase our price point. I don't want to stop using ADAMS but we need to make this venture full time. We can easily go through a gallon in less than a week. Not only that. We can't use the same microfibers on other cars. We are still trying to promote swirl-free and it is a huge selling point. We have bought tons of new mitts and just wash the used ones and resuse them Any suggestions?
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