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Everything posted by Comfort

  1. Thanks so much guys. U have saved me a ton of cleaning and frustrating waiting for pads. As I used my microfibre orange pad two nights ago and still kind of damp lol.
  2. If this actually works I owe u guys big time!
  3. I have a ton of extra towels and everything else. Just not pads as I always hand polished before but decided to pull the trigger on the polisher.
  4. Thanks guys for the bad news lol. Good thing I placed an order earlier without pads.... Oh wel lol
  5. Hey guys. First off name is Spencer. Been using Adams for two or three years now and always on this forum. I'm brand new to machine polishing and have all the pads and the pc for tool. I was just wondering, I am a very busy man and work a ton of hours and my car sits in a heated/cooled garage all year round and only get to polish an hour a night or so and wondering if there is any way to keep the pads from drying out other then cleaning them completely then letting them dry before using again. I tried leaving just over night with out cleaning them and using them again tonight and just made a ton of polish dust so I filled them full of all purpose cleaner and washed them good but not stuck waiting for them to dry in a couple days. Thanks in advance guys. Ps. Searched and couldn't find anything on this.
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