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Everything posted by Brewersprts

  1. Thanks for all the compliments. I was very impressed by the Adams products I used.
  2. Gave my parents a black range rover too. Plus the black bike looks pretty good cleaned up as well. Had a black c5 z06 but some idiot decided he wanted to give it a smack. Black looks so good cleaned up but as well all know it definitely is a labor of love. I definitely need Adams in my life.
  3. Thanks. Have some other toys too but didn't want to act like I was bragging. Lol
  4. So I've had these boxes and buckets of Adams stuff sitting in the basement and garage for a while now and since we had a couple days that had half way decent weather I figured I'd put them to use. I don't have any dramatic before and after pictures because this car basically just sits inside the garage and has it's whole life. With that being said, I wanted to put the Adams products to the test to see if I could actually tell a different on a car that is already really nice looking. It's a lot easier to be impressed when you go from a car that has sat outside it's entire life and never been washed or anything and then you actually take care of it like you should for a change. So the car was ready clean but I went ahead and washed it with Adams car shampoo. I then clayed the car using detail spray and a nice new clay bar. I have some sticky Michelins on my car and I also go to the track so I had some nasty tar, rubber, bugs, etc... in some areas so the car looked nasty around the wheels, lower rockers, and in the front after the clay so I went ahead and gave it a quick wash again. I didn't want that stuff in my pads or towels or anything. During the second wash I also cleaned the engine bay with APC and then dried with the Adams drying towel. I was very impressed with the drying towel. Better than anything I've ever used (Vince was lying about the shamwow being so great). I also cleaned the wheels and brake calipers with deep wheel cleaner using the turbo stick on my drill, the wheel woolie and the lug brush. I cleaned up my exhaust tips with all purpose cleaner. I went ahead and hit all the plastic and trim with VRT and then got out my new Cyclo. I used the new 2 step polish and my microfiber and foam pads and spent almost a whole day going over the entire car. The lack of vibration on the cyclo is really nice. I've never done paint correction before but I have briefly used other buffers and polishers and I think I would get too annoying with the vibration to do the entire car in one day with other machines. Hopefully when I get to my dark daily drivers the cyclo can't still provide the necessary correction I need to get them perfect. After polished I went ahead and put on a coat of brilliant glaze. I topped the brilliant glaze with Americana. It was getting dark but the car felt so slick and looked amazing. I couldn't wait to get it out in the sun. I also used Adams interior cleaner with the cockpit brush and microfiber towels to clean the interior. It's amazing how much dirt and filthy looking stuff you can get off of clean looking seats and interior pieces. It's kinda disgusting in fact. Then I used the Adams leather and interior conditioner over the whole interior. It looked great. I also cleaned the glass with Adams glass cleaner and sealed all the windows with Adams glass sealant. It was probably unnecessary to do all the windows, especially since I don't drive the car in the rain, but I figured it couldn't hurt and hopefully will help the windows stay clean and help prevent water spots from washing or whatever. Earlier I had dressed the tires with Adams tire shine and basically let it dry overnight. The next day I still tried to wipe off whatever extra residue I could so it wouldn't sling up the side of my beautiful paint. I wanted to test Adams quick sealant and liquid paint sealant on my wheels to see which one would help with the massive amount of brake dust that the 6 piston brembos produce. I did quick sealant on the left wheels and liquid paint sealant on the right side. I have only taken it on a short drive so I don't have much brake dust yet but the side with the quick sealant looks bad. I sprayed the quick sealant on and I didn't wipe it off but the wheels look extra dirty. I have no idea why that would be. Long ago I had tried the eagle one keep clean and whatever armor all's variant was to try to help keep my wheels clean and I had a similar thing happen. Instead of the brake dust evenly distributing on the wheels, it kinds clumped together and made spots of brake dust. Maybe it's just these stupid brakes because I didn't experience that on any other wheels. Oh well. Anyways. My car looks and feels amazing now. I am very impressed because the products, especially the polishing with the Cyclo, made a huge difference on an already good looking car. I used to get compliments all the time and how nice this car looked and I can't imagine what people are going to say now. Here she is. It wasn't very sunny when I took these pictures but still the shine is amazing. I also took a close up of the paint in the sun to show that this is now a swirl free zone
  5. So I've been a fan of Adams for a long time. I've been watching the Adams videos since back when Adam was in California doing it by himself basically. Never bought anything but kept meaning too. During a visit to the National Corvette Museum I bought some Adams products they had on sale in the gift shop. I liked them and my mother ended up having a very good experience with Adams so now I am hooked. Last year I bought like $1100-$1200 worth of stuff. I'm a very happy customer. I recommend Adams to everyone who asks why my cars look so good. I wish more companies would follow Adams business plan. American company selling american products and really worrying about taking care of the customer. I will continue to use Adams to take care of my toys and keep them looking decent. Here is some of my junk
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