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Everything posted by Defby20

  1. I'll put a few on later I need my computer I can't do it from my Iphone.
  2. Disapointment! I am walking around Bloomington gold Thursday and I come across the Adams booth. After Junkman shows me how it all works and even takes time to show me on my own car. I bought the kit with the PC and I come back the next two days buying more product I finally get all the (Corvetting) I can take for one weekend I started on my Hummer this afternoon and everything works just like I was shown. Can you believe the nerve of Adams actually getting the results they say you will. I always spend money on some cleaning product at a show and get home and am dissapointed at the way it does not work anything like I was shown. So I didn't get the disapointment I was expecting. Instead I have a wonderful looking vehicle (after alot of work) and some great products I actually will use. Thanks for making my weekend. Adams is all I am going to use from now on. I just had to tell someone.
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