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Everything posted by jvibe92

  1. So from that video it seems that he uses h20 GG every time (1x a week) but from what I've read on the forum, it would start building up from repetitive use?
  2. Okay so I guess I have a good plan. For when it's real dirty, I'll find a 'DIY place' and use their pressure washer to soap it up and bring my buckets to do a full wash then use my electric leaf blower and light amounts detail spray and drying towel to dry. For in between if it's not dirty and have just small amount of dust or pollen then I will do the rinseless method with distilled water and maybe use my electric leaf blower to ensure it dries. I can do this for both. I guess every 6 months of so when I drive home for a week or two I'll wax and possibly clay if needed. Just got into really keep the paint nice even though it's my DD (not even 15mi a day for work/school)
  3. I guess a question now becomes what's the true difference between waterless and rinseless. They seem exactly the same to me? Both don't use a rinse method. Just spray and wipe down. I'm effy on that, unless the car is not showing much sort of course.
  4. Okay didn't realize it'd be overkill. So I should stick with washing and using detail spray as my drying agent and use h20 guard every 3-5 washes or so. I'll look into the waterless and rinseless options.
  5. Hey Everyone, I have started my collection the past year and unfortunately will be moving for one year to do a RN program. At my apartments I will have garage parking for my 2013 5.0 but will not be able to wash it like I do at my house. What are some tips for keeping the car in great shape? Being San Antonio, I was told there was hard water there. Lastly, what's the best process? Just wash, clay once a month, seal once a month, and wax between 2-3 washes or use h20guard?
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