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Customer Service 866.965.0400


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Everything posted by MAYBEN

  1. It was a county road.. They said tough cookies..
  2. Thanks.. I was gonna go to the corner store by Spumoni's, but they were closed, so I went to the Shell @ benefit/newport...
  3. thanks for all the support guys, it really does help me keep my head up...
  4. I just went at 10:12 actually, and the guy said it closed at 10...
  5. Didn't get a chance to grab a ticket.. In RI right now..
  6. Thanks guys.. I've been trying to keep it bottled up, but that hasn't been helping much with the stress levels.. It does help to vent.. I know things could always be worse.. maybe our streak will start to become lucky!
  7. thats how I felt writing it
  8. Well, I have vented a little here and there, but I figured instead of crapping on other threads, I'd make my own.. just as a brief synopsis, one of the car dealer ships I worked at was having me close a lot of deals for other sales reps, but neglected to pay me on ANY of them, at minimum I shouldve received half each deal.. this caused me to literally make no $ for almost two months.. I complained about it and then it was over, I left.. but during that time, I had to do cash advances from a credit card just to pay the bills, and since then have been trying to pay it down.. last year, my wife and I closed on a house in the end of April, and got married in the end of May.. During the summer, we had Central Air installed, which was a nightmare, I think I have mentioned that before.. We had to replace the pool filter, pool pump, and put on a safety cover.. there were other little things that I had to fix because the previous owner was a hack.. around November, I took my car in for service, only 25k miles, the brakes were grinding.. they said they did a full brake inspection and told me I needed rotors and pads all the way around and that the rotors could not be turned.. Pads were $500, Rotors $500, and labor, yes you guessed it $500.. so $1500 and none was under warranty.. so I bought DBA rotors with hawk pads for around $700 to save some money.. I had some help from fellow a couple friends from the firehouse.. we put on the front, and wondered because the pads had at least 50% left.. then proceeded to back and found the same on the pass side, 50%.. but on the driver's rear, no pad.. the caliper had seized.. I went to the dealer and they said thats under warranty.. I talked to the service manager and he said there should've been no question about any of it and they should've done it under warranty.. I asked so why did your service guy tell me no and I had to pay $1500? he thought that was crazy, blah blah blah, then I told him I want $, he said he would submit to GM and they may or may not pay.. could take two weeks, two months, even longer.. still havent heard anything.. in feb, I was going to work, hit a pothole covered in slush doing about 20 mph, took out two wheels and two tires.. dealer quoted $2500 for two new wheels, 4 new tires, and labor.. Insurance said told me SOL, they would pay only for the wheels ($1400) and I had to pay my deductible (so really theyre only paying 900) and my insurance would go up as if I had an accident.. needless to say, it was much cheaper to buy 4 new aftermarket.. so I paid $14xx.. they arrived, one with a nick in the spoke, so I called tirerack and after spending time on the phone, they said they would ship out a new one, but I could not mount it even just for a day or too, I told them I needed to get to work, they offered it to me for a little less so I paid another $220 and now have a spare tire/wheel.. THEN during all the rain we've had recently, I started getting water in my upstairs bathroom.. the ceiling and walls need to be ripped apart, the roof has to be ripped apart.. and some damage to two other rooms, not as bad.. estimate to fix was about $8900.. the roof was patched to temporarily get us through insurance possibly taking forever.. so insurance sent an estimator and the guy has downplayed everything, and said not to worry about mold, and that the roof looked fine to him.. then he said his report would be done in 7-10 days and then insurance would tell me what they are paying.. so that fiasco will unfold soon.. (stay tuned) this is from last week: The manager is from Romania, been here for almost 20 years.. has NO people skills.. treats his wife like dirt, as well as everyone else he comes in contact with.. first, its a small company, two owners, 'manager', me and another guy... last Wednesday, the toilet in the office was not working.. they didnt have a plunger so I went to the owner that was there, he said to call the landlord, I did, and she said she would send someone by shortly.. the manager went to go use the bathroom and I reminded him that it did not work, he didnt believe me the first time.. he then flipped out ranting and raving, then offered to 'piss' in my trashcan.. I then handed it to him, and he walked away into his office.. about ten minutes goes by and he comes out asking if it has been fixed yet, which he knows NOBODY has entered the office.. I told him, noone has come yet.. he then starts flipping out again, 'This is unacceptable, you are fired,' and while hes yelling, I told him that its ridiculous, and I asked if he was a baby since he cant hold his bladder for 20 minutes, he then said 'well you're fat, now we're even' and all I could do was laugh.. I then told the owner to come out and take care of it since its his company, but he is too much of a wuss to defend himself to his partner.. they have a 50/50 business, yet the one partner collects two paychecks and the other is too scared to say something.. they both refuse to do anything against the manager because he finds the illegal software that the company needs to operate.. most of their clients refuse to work with the manager because he's a dick... he threatened to have me arrested, pulled over for bull**** tickets, and he was going to do everything he can so I dont get unemployment, which so far he is succeeding... unfortunately, hes friends with a few of the cops in that town so theres not much I can do about that... now I keep getting letters from unemployment that they are most likely denying my claim due to misconduct and my phone appointment isnt until the 30th.. Today, I get a letter from the company stating they have received my claim for unemployment and it will be processed, and if they get more work in the future they may call me.. they're now stating I was laid off.. **** I wish I was related to/friends with a good lawyer.. Well there you have it, I hope its not too hard to follow.. I'm sure I missed a few things... sorry for the poor grammar, I intended to go back and correct things, then realized how long it became.. lots of 'oh yeah this happened too' /rant
  9. some nice looking bays.. mine isnt detailed but I figured I'd announce another G8.. PONTIAC FTMFW! lol
  10. Would be awesome to make a bbq grill out of a g8 front end...
  11. Daily special hasn't been updated from the weekend yet..
  12. Ahh gotcha.. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't any issues with heat and flammability.. Might make my grill look awesome!
  13. As far as using it on grills, will it cause any problems while using the grill?
  14. I would imagine they are.. I'll have to look in the daylight.. if they are I assume I cant use this?
  15. can I use it on these? or should I be using paint methods? they are machined faced with black everywhere else...
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