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Michael Cox

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Everything posted by Michael Cox

  1. I'm addicted to detailing now......... Here is my ride after it rained yesterday. I got home and blew dry the truck only. This morning I got up and washed the wheels, wheel wells and front grill. The body has dust on it but it's supposed to rain again in a few days. It just shines way better than when I brought it home though. I'm looking forward to a good wash and finish with the Boost! Thanks for all the replies and help!!
  2. That is a sick ride! Nice job with the Ceramic Wax, Boost & CS3. I love that there are a lot of ways to get great results.
  3. Thanks for the comment... Today I got to see how well the Ceramic Paint Coating worked in the rain. I'm really happy. Moving forward I know that using the other products like CS3, Boost and Ceramic Waterless will just help my base coating. You should consider the clay, polish and coating... My paint surface is so smooth it's crazy and I know it's really protected. Yes it did take me a really long day to get around the truck but since we are all instructed to stay in our houses because of this crazy virus I thought... Why not! haha Thanks again for the comment.
  4. I used the Ceramic Paint Coating Kit after claying and polishing. Just took my first drive in the rain. Water just rolled off... Really cool! Thanks for your help!
  5. Thanks for the help and reply Chris... I look forward to using the Ceramic family! Just had my first drive in the rain today. I was so stoked to watch the water slide off. Also made me feel like the full day that it took me to clay, polish and coat the truck paid off huge! Putting my next list of things I'm gonna need from you guys... I think I just got addicted. haha Thanks again!
  6. Thanks for your input to my question. At the moment I have the Ultra Foam but I like your idea about the Wash + Coat, so I'll do that after I use it up. I'll definitely get the the Ceramic Waterless and Waterless Towels for the jambs. I had a blast claying the truck and yes I used a ton of Detail Spray... Glad I got the gallon!! Thanks again for your detail help.
  7. Thank you for replying so fast to my question. I will not re-ceramic paint coat as you've suggested. I also liked your idea of not touching the black more than I need to, so I'll save the CS3 until after each foam cannon, two bucket wash. The first wash I did I really liked using air to dry the truck. Thanks again! - MC
  8. Thank you so much for the reply and your experience. I'll leave out re-paint coating and just work with CS3 and boost. Thanks again...
  9. Hello everyone! New to Adams Polishes... I just had a blast ceramic paint coating my 2020 black F150. The clay bar, polishes and ceramic application was super easy. My question is about maintaining it. I garage my truck so I was thinking I would use CS3 to get the light dust off during the week, ceramic boost monthly then use the ceramic paint coating again around 6 months? If the paint coating is a good idea at 6 month do you still run the clay bar over the remaining coating? Thanks for the help gang! - MC
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