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Posts posted by Cygnus

  1. Do the stores get the same sales as the website?  I was going to place an order but just discovered that the Scottsdale store opened up last summer.  I was going to head over to it instead of ordering as long as they have the Black Friday pricing too. 

  2. Adam wil be there solo this year (too soon after the baby for me to leave mama home alone for a week).


    Details for date/time/location to follow.


    Too bad, going to miss you this year.  


    Thanks for the TV line up Mook.  I hadn't even thought of speed being gone for it.  I can't believe that NatGeo got the big day.   That seems a bit weird.

  3. Just about that time of year again.  Just under a week away from the sales starting!


    Is the Adams crew going to be here again this year?  Haven't seen anything posted on it or if we're doing a clinic again this year.

  4. hopefully, the new little guy will be pretty peppy....


    - Darryl


    If one of the write-ups I read (think car and driver) is correct, it's very peppy.  They had the S listed at either 5.1 or 5.2 sec 0-60 and the Turbo at 4.6 seconds.  Those numbers honestly sound too quick for me, especially with the way Porsche reports their times.  So I'm taking them with a grain of salt until I see something official on it.  

  5. I don't like the idea of a Porsche SUV, though I understand the business case for it. I'm sure it's a fine vehicle, but if I'm in the market for a Porsche I'm thinking sports car, and if I want an SUV I'd look somewhere else.


    I was on board with you when both the Panamera and the Cayenne were released.  Porsche is a sports car company, they shouldn't be doing saloons or SUVs.  Then I had a loaner Panamera for a bit while my car was in the shop.  Fantastic to drive and I want one now if I was to get a saloon (although the Model S is tempting me too :)).  


    Then my dealership recently got a few Cayennes for loaners and I got one for my last service.  Best SUV I've driven or rode in.  The thing was surprisingly agile and quick for an SUV.  One of the days it was raining which means slick roads here in the desert.  It was very sure footed and felt almost like normal conditions.  I was impressed with it.  If I needed to get an SUV it would be my number 1 choice now.  I wouldn't have said that before driving it.  Even though it's not a sports car, Porsche it right and made a great SUV.  

  6. Looks good but I still hate you for trading the GT500 for the 911.  You're not allowed back in the club house.  A GT3 will allow you back in.  :P


    Don't worry about this.  We'll let you in the Porsche clubhouse now.  You don't have to deal with the  GT500 riff-raff anymore.  ;)

  7. Great mod.  It's the first thing I did to mine too.  It's amazing how much better such a small thing looks.  I wish Porsche would just start shipping with clear instead of amber.  I think my dealer told me that it was a federal regulation thing.

  8. As far as protectant. We are working on a few things right now, but nothing thats ready to roll out. The standard for canvas top protection has been (for awhile now) Ragg Top - available online - but we hope to take that title when ours is ready to be released :)


    Any update on how this is going Dylan?  I know some one to beta test it. I'll even let you guys demo it when you're here in January for Barrett-Jackson.  ;)



    Dylan if there was a product in development that could be used for conditioning canvas tops and protecting them could this product also double and be used to protect cloth interiors as well? hypothetically speaking that is haha


    I can't speak for what they're working, but if it's like RaggTop, I wouldn't.  Ragg Top produces some nasty fumes.  It's nasty enough that inside of a 2 car garage with the door open is too confined.  I'll only spray it with the car out in the open and then let my car sit outside for a bit.  Using it on the interior would create a cab I wouldn't want to breath in. 

  9. MarylandTDI (RICH) can talk about reliability.  Our friends had a late model Jetta TDI that they just traded on a new Passat TDI.  As far as I'm aware, they were very happy with the first one.  


    Keep in mind, they're not the quickest vehicles out there, although most don't care when they're seeing upwards of 50MPG.


    We test drove it yesterday and the performance was fine.  It has more pickup then the 2003 Accord with 215k miles that it'll be replacing.  :)

  10. Hi Guys,


    Used car shopping for a friend and we're trying to find her something with good reliability.  I've been trying to get her to look at getting another Accord since I know it'll be solid for her.  Unfortunately she had a Jetta catch her eye and the dealer has a great deal (right at her target price point) on a 2011 Jetta TDI that was fully loaded. I've been trying to steer her away from it due to the full pump issues the TDIs were having then and also due to the cost of the 40k mile maintenance that the transmissions in them require.  


    Does anyone have any experience dealing with them and their reliability?  I don't want to block her on it if they're really not much of an issue anymore and it was a bit of an overblown internet thing a couple years ago that's still dominating my searches.  I know that historically VW wasn't the more reliable, but it looks like they've made improvements with the latest models.  I'm just not sure if it was enough of an improvement.



  11. Nice one.  I have to remember this joke.



    I guess I shouldn't hassle my Boxster-driving friend for saying "Porsh-a" so much. I wonder if he learned the hard way. :jester:


    Or he just knows the correct way to say his car's maker.  :P

  12. Thanks!


    It took about 2 days to build it. I took my time and did it right. It's solid and elf together with about 250 screws..... And you can't see any of them.


    If you weren't so far away, we could probably build you one in a day.


    Any chance you have a plan for what you built? A nice table for mine is something that's on my list.

  13. This bad boy showed up this morning. The first one we've had at the dealership. Only $393k!


    Only $393k? Must be a base model. I'll pass. :D


    My brother's dealership has had 5 go through it so far including 2 Nuremberg editions. Super sweet. And you can buy them now with the dealership getting first rights to repurchase it. I know someone who bought 2 of them and then put one up for sale through the dealer when he replaced it when a Nuremberg edition.

  14. Hmm.. The AZ guys seem to have an idea.. I just might have heard from a little birdy what it is..


    It sometimes pays to go to the detail clinics. :glasses:


    Dylan showed it off. It's a spray version of American that comes in 4 cylinders. You put one at each corner of the car and it acts as automated spray system. Think patriot missiles of waxing. Really cool. It's not going to be Adam's cheapest product though. ;)

  15. I assume you were wanting to slow cook another item after you cooked your steaks, correct? Close the vent on the bottom and then open the vent on the top letting the heat escape is what I would suggest. With the vent closed on the bottom your cutting off airflow, but by having the top open your letting the heat escape. If that makes sense.


    Actually, in the case I was thinking of I was doing a couple larger Tri-Tips and the recipe I was following said to sear them, then drop the temp to slow cook.


    I didn't realize that that keeping the top open would cool it down in this situation. I thought that would help keep it going since it lets air in. I had been trying to do it with both closed to kill the heat source down. It makes a bit of sense though that they could help lower it. Thanks

  16. Love to sear me some steaks. Get the egg to about 600, 2 minutes on each side then flip back over for about 3-4 minutes. Med Well and juicy... Love me some steak on a grill.

    Never used the sear part on the ole weber we had. Works good on the egg. Should of tried it before now. Making me hungry with all this... lunch time :cheers:


    BGE searing question. You get the grill up to 600 to sear each side for 2 min. For the additonal 3-4 min cook time do you drop the grill's temp at all or stay at about 600? If you are dropping it, how? I can't get mine to a lower temp in any reasonable amount of time. Last time I did tri-tips I wanted to sear them, then do a slow cook over a few hours. Never happened since I couldn't get the temp down.

  17. I"m a BGE fanatic as well! Was a DIE HARD Weber Kettle man for years....charcoal all the way! When Weber came out with a gas grill I started rethinking things and eventually got one because it was "easier." Been through two of them and determined they could NEVER maintain a constant temperature. A year ago I got a BGE and will NEVER go back! And it doesn't take an hour to get one ready to cook if you start it properly and use the right thing (lump charcoal and not briquettes). 30 minutes tops!


    Seconded! I bought a large BGE last May and I'll never go back. Actually been thinking of adding a second one. Everything comes off it so amazing. I've been using it for everything from long slow cooks like ribs or even beef stew in a dutch oven to quick cooks like a chicken breast, burgers, or a steak. It also makes awesome pizza with the pizza stone.


    Also, if you haven't done it yet, make baked potatoes on it. It makes the best I've had. They're amazing. All I do is take a large russet (about 1 pounders) coat with olive olive and kosher salt. Then cook bare on the grate to an internal temp of about 205-210 with the Egg at about 400 degrees. Takes a little over an hour usually. Goes great with what ever else I make on it. These are really the reason why I'm thinking of a 2nd BGE. Want to be able to have a hot one while doing a low and slow cook.


    BTW, if you don't have one yet get a Looftlighter. They're great at getting the Egg lit and running quickly.

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