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Everything posted by phil@detailersdomain

  1. yes we do try to keep busy. we believe in all the products we sell. we are a pretty low volume detail shop, we do 52 to 104 cars a year.
  2. Okay check it out, pictures don't show it well, but this 2003 A4 which has seen some Utah winters is now here in NYC, it needed some major TLC! Check out some of the pictures. Before: After:
  3. Pretty cold outside yesterday but I had set up two cars for the day....the E500 had tons of swirls from the dealer washes and scratched everywhere. Lots of paint correction. Cold: Before: After: I'll post up the process in a few. Enjoy the shots.
  4. Okay this was our second car of the day and this was much much worst than Pete's E500! Swirls, scratches, marring, everything and to top it off black! Take a look at the before and after shots. Before shots: After shots:
  5. A detail that I did today RR Sport Supercharged , exterior and engine only. Sorry about the after shots a bit of overcast towards the end of the day. This car had light scratches, marks, tons of dirt, machine and hand car wash marks, as well as some swirls from other detailers wheeling the car. Process: 1. Wet down the engine, spritzed it with P21S Auto Wash, Brushed with Boars Hair Wheel Brush, Sprayed down the engine till clean, closed the hood. Moved on to 2. Wet down the wheels and tires Cleaned the wheels with P21S Wheel Cleaner Gel Formula, used wheel brushes and Schmitt Black Pad for wheels, cleaned the tires with P21S Auto Wash. 3. Washed the car with Adam's Car Wash and Schmitt White pad for washes 4. Dried car with MF Waffle Weave Towel 5. Clayed car with Adam's Clay Bar and Detail Spray for Lube 6. Went back to the engine and dressed it with Adam's VRT and In and Out. 7. Dressed the tires with Adam's VRT, dressed the wheel wells with Optimum Dressing. 8. Used Optimum Polish with Green Waffle Pad (cutting pad) on a Rotary/Hi Speed on 1000 RPM's 9. Stepped back the pad to a polishing pad (blue waffle) with Optimum Polish 10. Used PC with Black pad with Butter Wax on 3 11. Wiped down the door jambs. 12. Cleaned the interior/exterior glass 13. Final wipe down with Adam's Detail Spray Total time 3 hours and 10 minutes. The final results were impressive and paint was corrected 80%-90%, some scratches remained but would have required a few more hours, light wet sanding, and compounding. Here are the pics: Before shots engine: After shots engine: Before shots: After shots: Thanks for looking I hope you enjoyed it! []
  6. This is a 1999 Lexus ES300...black /black Interior needed some major cleaning and some tlc, leather cleaned and conditioned. Enterior...wow no before pictures, but it was bad! Engine detailed
  7. This was a Full Exterior Detail Full exterior. Tons of sap, paint, and contaminents. Solution: Wash with Adam's Car Wash Clay with Adam's Clay Bar and Adam's Detail Spray Remove light scratches and swirls with a combination of Adam's Revive Polish and Swirl and Haze Lastly Optimum Spray Wax for a sealant (2-3 months depending on environment) Tires dressed with VRT, Wheel Liners dressed with Optimum, Windows cleaned with Adam's Glass Cleaner Check out the pictures.
  8. Check it out lots of sap, tar, and contaminents from NYC /NJ Highway driving.... Exterior and Engine, turned out very nice! Before: After: Yeah not the coolest shots but effective....the hood was popped so we can show the customer the engine detail....
  9. Of course lots of bug and tar, and dirt, white hides alot but up close boy does it show! Products used: Adam's P21S Before: After: Sorry not many aftershots at all on this one.
  10. Mark's 2001 as you can see is in near mint condition. The car was washed, clayed, polished by hand and waxed by hand. Products used Adam's P21S Optimum Check out the aftershots:
  11. Okay here's a black Lexus we did today, Washed, clayed, removed swirls, polishes, waxed. Interior, cleaned carpets and mats, cleaned leather, and conditioned. wiped and dressed dash. Engine, degreased, dressed. Before: After:
  12. I'm not a fan of the P21S Concours Wax but from time to time our suppliers give us some freebies to try out this was the one time I haven't used it since.
  13. Craig's car was dropped off last night and it just got back from H20 and then a round trip drive from NJ to NC. Check it out: Washed with Adam's Car Wash and Foam Gun Primed the paint with Adam's Detail Spray prior to Drying. Clayed the car using Adam's Clay Bar and Detail Spray Applied Adam's Swirl and Haze and Revive Polish with MF applicator pad, did this step by hand. Used P21S Concours Look at the request of owner for depth and gloss. Engine detail: Used P21S Autowash as the degreaser, finished up with Adam's In and Out. Wheels dried and wiped down with Adam's Detail Spray Tires Dressed with Adam's VRT. And here are the pictures... Before: After:
  14. Okay check it out 2004 M3. Sorry no before posts. But here are some afters, started to rain on us so we had to get it back to the owner. Full Exterior, Engine, and Interior. Products used: Adam's Car Wash Adam's Clay Bar Adam's Detail Spray Adam's VRT Adam's BSG Adam's Butter Wax P21S Gel Wheel Cleaner Adam's Metal Polish 1 Adam's Glass Cleaner P21S AutoWash (degreaser) Adam's In and Out Optimum Car Wax (sealant) Adam's Leather Conditioner Adam's Carpet and Upholstery If you want me to list the process I will, but for now some eye candy.
  15. Here is is the winter details from today. 2005 3.2 TTR, Silver, exterior and engine detail. This car was pretty bad due to being a daily drive to NYC. Scuffs, scratches, paint marks from other cars, tar, etc. Check out the transformation. 1. With a warm engine, I spritzed it down with P21S Autowash, scrub the dirty areas down with a soft brush and then sprayed it cleaned, closed the hood and went onto the wheels. 2. Wheels cleaned with P21S Gel, sprayed down all 4 wheels let it sit and then brushed and cleaned the wheels sprayed off brake dust and grime with firehose nozzle 3. Cleaned the wheel wells with P21S Autowash 4. Car washed with Adam's car wash applied with Foam Gun and new schmitt wash mitts. 5. Dried car down and started to clayed the car with Adam's Clay bar and Adam's Detail Spray 6. Put the car under some lights and started to remove the swirls and light scratches with the Dewalt. With my pads drying from the other day I swapped over to the Dewalt for this project. Dewalt with the German Green Pad, used some Menzera Acrylic for polish/sealant combination, worked well with the TT. 7. Windows cleaned with Adam's Glass Cleaner 8. Tires dressed wtih Adam's VRT 9. back to the engine to finish it off with Adam's VRT and the hard to reach spots and wires with Adam's In and Out. The TT came out great!!!!!!! Check it out: Engine before: Engine after: Before of the car: After shots: Sorry as all of you know shots of silver cars don't always show well. But this one looked and felt great, total time 2 hours.
  16. A few pictures from this weekend, the GTI being white you really can't tell how bad it was...also the after shots weren't too great. This car wasn't too bad at all, just a ton of fall out on it, so it needed a good bath and a massive claying!!!! Full interior as this is a daily that's used to drop off the 3 1/2 year old. Unfortunately forgot to take interior afters. Check out the transformation. 1. Wheels cleaned with P21S Gel, sprayed down all four wheels let it sit and then brushed and cleaned the wheels sprayed off brake dust and grime with firehose nozzle 2. Cleaned the wheel wells with P21S Autowash 3. Car washed with Adam's car wash applied with Foam Gun and new schmitt wash mitts. 4. Dried car down and started to clayed the car with Adam's Clay bar and Adam's Detail Spray 5. Used AP Swirl and Haze plus AP Revive Polish on a white Edge dual sided pad, spread the polish with the PC off and then started to spread it with the PC on 3 once the polish was spread I increased the speed to 5 and worked the polish in till it broke down. Wiped off excess. 6. Used P21S Concours Look Wax for the last step. Applied by hand. 7. Windows cleaned with Adam's Glass Cleaner 8. Tires and black trim dressed wtih Adam's VRT Before: After:
  17. This car might have been the last of the year for me and my brother on the East coast. Not only are the leaves changing, but so is the weather. What better car to finish off the season with than the brand new 2007 RS4? Couldn't pass up the chance to take a close look at what might be the most sought after Audi on the market to date. The owner bought the vehicle back in August and it appeared as though it had not been washed or detailed since then. The BEFORE pictures are a bit deceptive as the car did need work, probably due to lack of dealer prep in removing adhesive, etc... As always, feedback is always appreciated. Thanks for looking. PROCESS Exterior - Rims & Tires (Simple Green cut 1:1 & OXO Wheel Brush) - Exterior Wash (Meguiar's Gold Class & Grit Guard) - Clay (Adam's 4 oz & Detail Spray) - Polish (Adam's Revive) - Coat #1 (Optimum Spray Wax) - Coat #2 (Adam's Butter Wax) Interior - Carpet & Mats (Eureka Mighty Mite) - Leather (Zymol Leather Cleaner & Adam's Leather Conditioner) - Windows (Stoner's Invisible Glass) Engine - Warm moist towel - Dressed (Adam's V.R.T and In & Out Spray) BEFORES AFTERS Engine Extras
  18. Adam's Car Wash Adam's Clay Bar/Detail Spray (clay lube) Adam's Revive Polish Adam's BSG on exterior and window for that pop Adam's Butter Wax for depth, gloss, and shine! Adam's VRT for trim pieces and tires!
  19. Truely some amazing results, every time I look at my albums of cars done, I'm blown away!
  20. FYI we still have a very small qty left click here if you are interested: Adam's In and Out
  21. Magic of Adam's Detail Spray, Adam's In and Out and Adam's VRT and Adam's Metal 1 and 2
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