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Posts posted by Vincenzo

  1. Good to hear the pads can be cleaned with APC, those will definitely be going in the shopping cart. Unfortunatly though, the pads in the clearance section are made for the flex, and I only have the PC.


    You know, the thing I was really hoping to see was some improvment to the claybar system. It's honestly my least favorite part of detailing. So much work for no visible reward, and to be honest its really tiring having to be down on your knees claybarring the bottom of panels and using plastic bags to make sure it's working. I have no idea what could be changed, but maybe adams will come out with a special spray to use with the claybar that is more efficient than detail spray. I think I remember a company called clay magic had the market for claybars locked up but I thought their patent expired. I don't know, just hope to see some improvement soon.

  2. Ok, looks like I have plenty of catching up to do. Thanks for the info! But I still have 2 pretty important questions:


    What do I do with my SSR? Can I still buy pads or are they discontinued? Or is there maybe an adams supplier that still has old stock? Those 2 bottles were expensive and I would really rather not waste them.


    And has anyone experimented with using the APC to wash the new pads with? Or is the Microfibre cleaner really necessary? I'm on an etremely limited budget and I can't afford to buy that many things. I'd rather just get the gallon of APC I had already planned on, which I know can be used on the foam pads. Problem is, I really want to try the new microfiber pads, but I can't afford them if I also have to buy this new microfiber cleaner.


    Thanks again

  3. Hi guys, some of you may remember me from a while back, but maybe not. Anyways, I spent the last year living in a dorm with no way to work on my car and no money to purchase detailing products, and I've apparently fallen out of touch with Adams products. I still had almost every product Adams sold from last year, even a year and a half ago, but I just did a pretty intense detail sesh on my car after a 4000 mile roadtrip and realized it's time to stock back up. I need new pads and polishes (I still have the old hex pads with the SHR and the FMP), claybars, towels, soap, well, just about everything! I'm surprised to see how much has changed.


    Its actually left me with a lot of questions.


    First, where is the SSR? I didn't see it in the products section, and I noticed the names of the other polishes have changed. Please tell me the SHR or whatever it's now called isn't the most intense polish, right? I plan on a bit of wetsanding and I need more grinding power for my PC than just SHR. Last time I tried that, I was working on polishing out one little section for over an hour. Is it just out of stock? I have 2 almost full bottles of SSR and I don't see the green pads or any kind of replacement. I hope I'm not stuck with 2 full bottles of product that I now can't use at all.


    Also, are the formulas for the newly renamed polishes the same? I still have 2 bottles of SHR, about 10% full each, and I don't want to just get rid of them. I also have a nearly full bottle of FMP. Are they at least compatible with the new pads? I had 2 orange hex pads and they both fell apart towards the end of my last detail sesh and I can't afford to just waste the product.


    And can anyone explain the brilliant glaze pads? Last I remember, BG was applied by hand.


    And what happened to the flex products? I remember the Flex and the PC having different pads, but I only see 1 type now.


    Also, what's the deal with the new Deep Wheel Cleaner? Is it worth getting? I know, I know, it's adams so it's a good product, but is it really worth the extra money over APC? I tried the GWC one time and it worked well, but I decided to stick to APC because it worked just as well for me. Does the new one make it significantly easier to clean your wheels? And does it really get rid of those little orange iron particles in your paint? My car is white and those are literally the bane of my existance.


    And the new total interior detailer? What's that about? The way I understood it, 1 step 'detailing and cleaning' is a big no-no. Clean with 1 product, dress with another. That's what I always thought. I used to laugh at other companies that sold 1 step solutions like 'cleaner wax', to polish and clean at the same time. Is it just for light detailing work, like just getting it clean and making it look even? I assume it doesn't replace Leather/Interior Conditioner, but kind of is just the easier way of dressing up your plastics? And Leather/Interior Cleaner is still the right way to 'deep clean' your plastics and vinyl?


    Anyways, thanks for any answers or help you guys can provide. I feel kind of dumb looking at the products and not knowing what I need. All that said, it's good to be back in the swing of detailing. My poor car really needs some work!


  4. I used to use my leaf blower before it caught on fire. I took it apart and cleaned it out with Adam's products until it was nice and clean all over, and it became my dedicated car dryer. Then my mom decided to not ask me and use it to blow some grass clippings and the thing started smoking and now it won't turn on. Long story short, I had a leaf blower and loved it, and now I don't, but I still recommend it.

  5. Really bad. Not totaled, almost though. Front bumper is scratched, passenger fender is unrecognizable, passenger door scratched into the metal and the door handle is pushed in about 3 inches. Then the passenger rear fender is totally flat against the car. The "hip" is a crumpled, flat looking angle, and the rear bumper is pulled out about half an inch to the right. I'm thinking at about 500 bucks a panel, 3 panels = 1500 bucks. Then 600 a panel to paint it brings it to 3300. Then, if I replace the front bumper, there is 300 more dollars, and to paint it is another 600. To stripe it maybe another 50, since I already have the vinyl. That is 4250. No clue how much to fix the rear bumper, but I'll guess at another 100. The wheels and tires didn't even get scratched somehow, so no problems there, but the mirror exploded and blew glass into my face (I am still picking it out of my hair) because the window was open. There is another 150 for the mirror, and I don't even know how much for the mirror glass. I'm going to guess around 4600 dollars just for parts and paint. To have them installed? I don't even know.

  6. 4:35AM - Wake up

    4:55AM - Wake up again

    5:00AM - Get in shower

    5:30AM - Get out of shower to dry off and get ready for the day

    5:50AM - Stumble blindly down the stairs to get breakfast

    6:00AM - Finish my cup of coffee and my pudding cup (breakfast) and watch the news

    6:40AM - Drive to school

    7:00AM - Arrive at school and park at the end of the back lot

    7:20AM - AP Marketing class

    8:10AM - Sociology

    9:00AM - Physics

    9:50AM - Study Hall

    10:45AM - Lunch

    *Note, I illegally leave school during lunch and study hall to get REAL food

    11:20AM - CP English 12

    12:05AM - AP Calculus

    12:55AM - Leave school

    1:15PM - Arrive at home

    1:45PM - Get on the internet and check forums/emails

    2:45PM - Go upstairs and get ready for work

    3:30PM - Leave for work

    4:00PM - Clock in at work and begin bagging

    5:00PM - Go out and do carts for 45 minutes

    6:00PM - go out and do carts for 30 minutes

    6:30PM - Go on break

    6:45PM - Return from break and resume bagging

    7:15PM - Take out trash from registers

    7:30PM - Go out on cars for 30 minutes

    8:00PM - Clock out

    8:30PM - Leave Kroger

    8:45PM - Arrive at home

    9:00PM - Eat dinner

    10:00PM - Sit down on the forums and my emails again

    11:31PM - Type this post.


    So basically, I got up, went to school, went to work, and then got on the computer.

  7. I woke up around 4:30, took a shower, guzzled some NyQuil and coffee and drove to school around 7:00. Then around 1:00 I skipped out of school to go visit my co-workers at Kroger and pick up a pay check. Then I went home and slept until about 20 minutes ago.

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