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Posts posted by J.greenroyd

  1. We have a technology center in town and i was in 10th grade. Well in 11th and 12th you get to go to the tech center for half a day everyday and do whatever class you want. I was either going to do mechanics or body and paint but my mom said i should try architecture and drafting because i'm so meticulous with everything i do. I was in art since middle school and everything had to be precise when i did work. So i tried out the Drafting and Architecture class and fell in love with it. Did it both years, graduated then went to a college in town to get all my basics out the way then i was going to go to OSU. They have an amazing architecture program. September i got fired from my job at the time and started putting applications everywhere. One place i tried was Landmark Engineering, at the time they said theyre not looking to hire but if something comes up theyll give me a call. 3 weeks later i got my call, one of the engineers were moving to colorado, she trained me before she left and now ive been here over 2 years. I got out of the college shortly after i got the job.

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