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Everything posted by KatieGirl

  1. Adam's couple!!! Vince and I are both a part of the Adam's forum, although he is definitely the expert...I still enjoy a clean vehicle myself. He's amazing and the reason for my happiness. I can't show a picture of myself on here without also displaying my better half! This is us in sept @ tr cubs/cards game
  2. Thank you! Iv tried everything except an order bomb. And the floor mats have also been replaced. I'm just a clean freak. I'll try the two shop ideas thanks guys.
  3. I bought my car from a woman who smoked-yuck! I have tried deorderizers, shampoos, and hanging air fresheners but I'm never pleased with the smell. Needless to say I have learned my lesson. But in the mean time, what are some ways to permanently kill the smell? Any help would be appreciated!
  4. Yes it is. This picture was taken at the fire house...what else am I to do when he goes on a call?! So I believe now is as good of time as ever for a story on us quickly. We are both from a very small town but it took moving 100 miles away from home to find each other. He is a fireman for caterpillar, and a volunteer back home on his days off. It's true that some things in life are just meant to be.
  5. Thanks everyone! The only complaint I have is not being introduced sooner. My car is actually a "black sand pearl" and I have never come across anything that gives it such rich color and shine.
  6. Hey everyone, I was brought here after experiencing Adam's products with my boyfriend. I love the difference and I have to admit...customer for life.
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