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Posts posted by ihaveacamaro

  1. I found a few more things that could use a little tweaking imo:


    1) When you click on a username, then go to that page, it's all white and gray and hard to read.


    Here is an example:





    2) When you click on your username in the top right, when the drop down menu goes down, the box with the username whites out and doesn't look great.



    3) This one is not nearly as important, but something I noticed. When you go to the drop down menu after clicking the username on the top right, when you roll your mouse over the options you click, it makes the font red, but not the entire font. Almost looks like the red font is a little above the white font like shading or something. If you want to compare, click on the notifications and then roll the mouse over something and you will see the entire white font turn red. That doesn't happen when you roll over the mouse in the username tab.


    Hope that helps a little more :)


    Bump :)

  2. I found a few more things that could use a little tweaking imo:


    1) When you click on a username, then go to that page, it's all white and gray and hard to read.


    Here is an example:





    2) When you click on your username in the top right, when the drop down menu goes down, the box with the username whites out and doesn't look great.



    3) This one is not nearly as important, but something I noticed. When you go to the drop down menu after clicking the username on the top right, when you roll your mouse over the options you click, it makes the font red, but not the entire font. Almost looks like the red font is a little above the white font like shading or something. If you want to compare, click on the notifications and then roll the mouse over something and you will see the entire white font turn red. That doesn't happen when you roll over the mouse in the username tab.


    Hope that helps a little more :)

  3. I know that buying in gallons is much cheaper but does the 110% guarantee cover products that have expired. If you get something like Adams leather and interior conditioner that they recommend using 4 times a year sooner or later it is going to go bad.


    Adam's is in business to keep your business. If you bought a gallon of that stuff and for some reason it went bad, I'm sure they would work with you to make both parties happy.

  4. Roshan, 


    It just seems like you're arguing semantics... If I called it "Purple Monkey Sherbert Spray" would it matter what it did? Does it matter what others call similar products? 


    The new detail spray maintains the cleaning and dusting ability of its predecessor, but thanks to a new additive we were able to incorporate into the formula the new version actually adds an amount of meaningful protection. 


    Still doesn't trump a traditional wax job, and we wouldn't even really recommend the DS as your only source of protection, but thanks to its ability to add a small amount of protection it extends your wax/sealant coats. 


    Our product cleans better than a spray wax, but it protects better than a detail spray... maybe we just need to invent a whole new term for this product so you won't be so bothered by the name. LOL


    Haha sorry my brain doesn't like it when things don't go into categories. What you say makes sense and maybe I am just arguing semantics lol. 


    What's it that the guy in south park says:



  5. He didn't say same product, he said same use. Slight but important difference.


    Curious though, if they did offer both a detail spray and a spray wax how would you use each product differently and would it be enough of a difference to justify buying both for each use?


    Detail spray to clean light dust and for claying. Spray wax to protect, but not clean. Detail spray generally adds enough protection for a day or two, whereas a spray wax generally lasts two weeks to a month. I know of one spray wax that I tested that lasted two and a half months, but then again it's claimed durability was up to 5 months.


    Me personally, I don't like the idea of having to clay with something with wax in it like the new detail spray. I doubt it affects the claying process but it just doesn't seem right.



    Our DS straddles the line, because unlike a lot of Quick Detailers and Detail Sprays ours actually does lay down a little protection, so its like a spray wax in that respect, but you can use it like a Detail Spray due to its light cleaning properties. 


    Its the best of both worlds. No need for 2 products when one will do. Our line, as always, is about the process being less complicated whenever it can be. Too many other companies want to sell you 5 soaps, 3 detail sprays, 15 waxes, etc. We don't play that game. 


    If we ever start work on a 'spray wax' that adds s substantial amount of protection as opposed to how most spray waxes behave its justification for a whole new product, but if its just about the same as our DS, why bother? Its senseless to add a product for the sake of adding a 'name' to the line IMO.


    Very true and I like that you guys keep it clean and simple. One of the best things about Adam's. 


    It just seems that you guys are really pushing that this new detail spray has protection in it whereas I didn't really see that marketed or pushed in the old detail spray. That's really where my entire two product point stems from.


    For example, in the new detail spray here's a line in the description:


    • Extends Protection with NEW Wax Boosting Technology


    The old one said this:


    • Enhance Gloss and Depth in Shine
    • Keep Your Car Looking Just Detailed
    • Great For Interior Detailing
    but nothing about protection.
    Judging from the descriptions placed on the new detail spray, I see it more as a spray wax than a detail spray. I have another manufacturer's spray wax that can be used for light cleanings, claying, drying aid, and adds a little protection as well. I see their product and yours as true competitors, even though yours is labeled detail spray.
    Either way, as more and more products have come out, the line between QDs and Spray Waxes has blurred and the two products do seem to be merging into one category.
  6. Dylan, 


    There are three minor issues I still see with the dark version in order of severity:


    1) Once you click on the PMs, notifications, or username drop down menus at the top right, the font is extremely hard to read.

    2) The Prev and Next button are hard to read.

    3) The "Like this" button is slightly hard to read.



    Once those issues are fixed, I believe the dark skin will be finished! Great job developing it :)

  7. Another thing about getting likes and views on youtube is that it also translates to google searches. Remember that google now owns youtube and that more and more videos are coming up as "results" to google searches.


    For example, I just searched "Adam's Americana Review", and the fifth result is my video review. The first result and the third result are both reviews I posted on forums and guess what they do? They link straight back to my video!


    Out of the first five results on google, three of them are mine. That in my opinion really shows the power of both forums and getting views and likes on youtube.


    Hope this helps bud!

  8. Hey thanks a ton boys!  I really appreciate the feedback!  And YES.....will TRY to stay under 10 mins on all of them.  There will be A COUPLE that may be longer due to subject.  But length of run time is crucial & I understand that.  Glad you can hear me & things come across clear, good news.  I'm grateful for the open mind everyone, thanks!


    Good luck on the youtube endeavor! I have recently just hit 100 thousand views (only detailing videos, total views is a bit higher) and 400 subscribers on mine :) It took a lot of work and a lot of videos to get there. 


    If I may, here are a few things I learned over the past year:


    1) Constantly uploading videos really helps! (Even before and afters work as good videos)


    2) Average time most people will watch to is 2 minutes. Doesn't matter how long your video is. If you go to your YouTube dashboard, then analytics, then audience retention, you can see how much time people stay on your videos for.


    3) Don't be shy to say something like "if you liked this video, please subscribe if you want to notified when I upload more". On mine, I always ask for a like rating and subscriptions. That's not because I want to see how many likes I can get or something like that, but rather because Youtube will rank your videos for their search engine. If someone searches waterless wash and your video has 2 likes and 100 views and another has 10 likes and 100 views, which one do you think will come up first? Coming up first in search engines means more views, and more views mean more subscribers, and more subscribers means more views! It's a big circle! 


    4) Most importantly, and it looks like you're doing this, but is to have fun making these videos! Never once have I felt like I was doing a chore making mine. As soon as making videos feels like a chore, I will stop. 

  9. Thanks Roshan, what about Chrysler and Toyota?


    Test spot for Toyota, whites and blacks are single stage I believe. 


    BTW, white single stage is your worst nightmare. That is the bar by which hard paint is set upon. It is the unholy offspring of concrete and lacquer. 


    Black single stage isn't bad, kind of soft. 



    Haven't done enough Chryslers to feel comfortable giving a range sorry.


    I was on another site when I saw you post about the Adams sprayers so thanks for putting the word out. I like to try new products also and will look to Adams when I start running low. I see you have Americana review on your you tube channel so I will wait for others to show up on there.


    I have others in text form :) If you look through my threads, you will find them :)

  11. The common consensus is to seal, allow to rest, whipe residue, allow to cure, then glaze, with wax being your last step.


    Detail spray will not remove the wax, which in its own way is protecting the glaze.



    It's actually amazing how much detail spray alone makes water bead.  I washed a friends car and did a detail spray whipe down to dry.  the car has not seen wax in years, and was pleased to see that it had some beading. 


    Clean paint beads.

  12. If you look funny at my G8 it'll scratch.  I think it varies from model to model.  Like Cadillac may have a harder clear than a Cruze and a Lincoln may have a harder clear than a Focus. 


    My RAM corrected pretty easily, although I was the only one to touch the paint and it wasn't horrible.  We'll see what the future brings.


    My dads BMW's are all hard as heck.  M5, M3, and X3.  I'm so jealous of it.  I can't wash my G8 without having to polish it and I am OCD about my washing method. 


    Yeah all I was saying were my general guidelines when I approach a car. Having soft paint sucks! I feel for you!

  13. Assuming you're buying a new car straight off the lot. In your experience, which manufacturers have harder/softer clear coat?


    Usually this is what I mentally think when I approach a client's car, but as always a test spot is VITAL!


    Ford = medium

    GM = Hard

    Nissan = soft

    Porsche = soft

    Acura = soft

    Dodge = varies more than normal, done soft to insanely hard

    Honda = soft - medium

    Mercedes = hard

    BMW = medium - hard



    I'm blanking on other manufacturer's. Those are most of the big ones I think though.

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