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Morning Ritual Caddy commercial


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In the top 5 bands thread I mentioned that the Pogues were part of the best Caddy commercial. Here it is. Check the lyrics below after watching to see why it was so great. It's not the song I would have picked to sell a car.


<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WBYxrYNEGig" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Also watch the juxtaposition of the lyrics of along with the action being shown. That might be the nanny I want to hire. ;) Gotta love the ad agency with the guts to present this and the executives that only hear the chorus in the song.


Seen the carnival at Rome

Had the women I had the booze

All I can remember now

Is little kids without no shoes

So I saw that train

And I got on it

With a heartful of hate

And a lust for vomit

Now I'm walking on the sunnyside of the street

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Yeah, I don't know what they guys at Cadillac were thinking when they green lighted this. The yuppie family doesn't make me want to buy the car at all and while "Sunny Side of the Street" is a really good song, it doesn't fit with selling cars. It's like they took just the line "I'm walking on the sunny side of the street" and didn't look at the rest of the song's lyrics and meaning. The lyrics aren't awful in context with the song, but they're horrid for car hawking. Not to mention that Shane, the singer, probably hasn't been sober enough to drive at any time in the last 30 years. ;)


Cadillac isn't alone in doing this. Subaru is currently running a commercial that uses another Pogues song that is about England's occupation of Ireland and sending the Irish over seas as slaves. Makes me want to buy a forester. Or the commercial from a few years ago that Wendy's made using Blister in the Sun by the Violent Fems which is a song about masturbation.

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